New Chappy Elias · 9:23pm Aug 3rd, 2023
I know I know, yall been really waiting for this one :O. Once I get the chapter for my other story done, this one will be the next chapter Ill work on, probably for tomorrow. Keep an eye out ;P
A writer who enjoys putting a smile on peoples faces. If a story makes you smile, I've done my job. :)
I know I know, yall been really waiting for this one :O. Once I get the chapter for my other story done, this one will be the next chapter Ill work on, probably for tomorrow. Keep an eye out ;P
It's time yall. Im currently around 1664 words into the new chapter, hopefully I'll have it done by tonight. Keep an eye out for it ;P
U guy's get to know the name early! How lucky!
Chapter name: The Dryad Of The Forest Speaks
Sorry for long wait everyone, it has been a long year of building my credit, my life and my career. But today I finally hit the crux of what I’ve been working so hard for. I finally succeeded in getting my pre-approval for a VA home loan and will now be able to get myself a house. I know I haven’t had much time to write but it has been more than worth the break to make it this far.
Sorry for the long wait for new chapters everyone, I have been extremely busy with a new much longer work schedule and have been trying to get use to it.
I’ve also been doing editing for a story being written currently, so that I can improve myself as a writer. I hope you all will be willing to bear with me on this, I promise I will get back to writing.
You can count on it :)
I finally got enough funds to make my life a little less hectic. Now that im getting not as busy Ill hop back into writing again. But don’t expect chapters right away. Im no miracle worker after all haha.
Other than that I hope everyone is doing well and is having a good holiday season!
Happy early thanksgiving y’all!!!!
I’ve had a stroke of creativity hit me lately, so tomorrow Im gonna write. I wanna focus more on Elias and Midnight for a bit, plus a big plot reveal in the works.
I’ve also decided to do away with deadlines. I’ll write when I feel like writing because it’s fun, not because it’s expected.
So keep an eye out for some updates tomorrow :)
Just wanna say Im sorry to all my wonderful readers. I've been busy lately with getting my life and finances turned around. This has left me with very little time to write. However I will be moving into a new place here soon and when that's done I should be able to get a few chapters out. Until then I hope you all can be patient.
Much Love~
I bought a 2021 Kia Forte yesterday!!!!!!! Nicest car I've ever had by far. Costed me $25,500. Worth every cent as it's space grey, and it runs smooth and quiet like a Cadillac. Love this car.
So the next chapter of Merlin's story is a little long, so it's taking me some time to write. But I think you guys will enjoy it. It'll involve a little bit of history of Equestria, and maybe even the possibility that the two worlds have merged before. We'll have to wait and see ;).
On that note, the chapter has approached almost 4k words, so I guess we'll see where it goes eh? haha.
Hope you all are having a wonderful summer!
In my last blog post I forgot to put the names of the stories Im working on chapters for.
So here ya go: