• Member Since 4th Apr, 2023
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


In the light of the torch, you see a great many discarded scraps of paper sprawled across the floor of the cave. Truly these putrid, oozing creations could only be borne from the mind of a real horse.

Latest Stories

  • TLovefools
    Princess Cadance and Queen Chrysalis find themselves trapped in a dangerous dream world, and must work together if they want to survive. As they travel through a shared nightmare, can they come to understand each other, or will this all end in tears?
    magic-aggy · 43k words  ·  73  1 · 1k views

Blog Posts

  • 3 weeks
    Status Update


    Doing better, but things irl are keeping me from writing. For now it's better if i forgo regular updates in favor of just writing when I can.

    I still hope to finish this fic before 2025, depending on how the rest of the year goes.

    Hooves crossed! TTYS :trollestia::heart:

    0 comments · 60 views
  • 13 weeks
    Update Re: Delays

    Hi yall, don't worry too much.

    I won't go into details but I'm still sick, it's not covid. I have a number of chronic health issues that reared their heads pretty severely.

    I can't give an estimate for when the next chapter will come out, to be honest I've barely touched it in the last fortnight. Trying to write has felt like leaving a dark cave and looking up into blinding sunlight.

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    2 comments · 69 views
  • 17 weeks
    Potential Delay

    Hello dearest readers,

    As I'm sure you gathered by the title, the next chapter of Lovefools is potentially going to come late. I'm sick and I've been missing a lot of sleep this month. The chapter is fully outlined, and I care too much about this project to abandon it, so don't worry. We just might have to wait a little longer than planned. I'll keep doing my best, and I just need you all to be here to read it when it's ready.

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    1 comments · 83 views
  • 23 weeks
    Minor Mishap

    Hiiii, I'm still getting acquainted with this website, so I accidentally posted chapter 5 of Lovefools early and had to unpublish it, and I think that might have messed with however people get notified about new chapters. So I'm making this just in case.

    Happy Lunar New Year by the way! See you in a month for the next chapter :trollestia::heart:

    0 comments · 78 views

What's the big idea?

Hi there! My name is Aggy. Avid reader for as long as I can remember, dark fantasy aficionado, and dedicated fan of pastel ponies since 2011.

I have quite a lot of things that I want to write and post here, in fact I've been stewing on more story ideas than I can keep track of for the last few years. This is my earnest attempt to send stories that I can be proud of out into the world.

My life is complicated, so I can't make the promises I'd like to, but more than anything I want to create and share stories.

My favourite pony is Celestia, if I was a pony I'd be an earth pony, and my favourite season of the show is season 8. I'm also nuts about the mlp comics and all the wide open unexplained unexplored gaps in the mlpfim canon!

Hope you like what you find! :trollestia::heart:


Status Update · 12:37pm June 29th


Doing better, but things irl are keeping me from writing. For now it's better if i forgo regular updates in favor of just writing when I can.

I still hope to finish this fic before 2025, depending on how the rest of the year goes.

Hooves crossed! TTYS :trollestia::heart:

Report magic-aggy · 60 views · Story: Lovefools ·
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