• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 27th, 2016


*Still scuttling*

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Total Words: 8,059
Estimated Reading: 32 minutes


Fallout/MLP Crossover
Inspired by falloutvenus.tumblr


Venus knew that this couldn’t last forever. The probability calculations predicted that something would go wrong eventually. Whether that something be a screw going loose causing a total meltdown in the fusion core, or a rat having finally managed to sneak its way inside her computer shell to gnaw on some tasty electronic brain bits, or any number of horrible things. She knew that something would go wrong eventually.

Chapters (2)

Venus hatches an idea for a client-centered therapy service that will help divorced stallions (and mares) rekindle and nourish their natural pony instinct for platonic intimacy. Because everypony likes hugs and cuddles, right? Well... everypony except for Venus, that is.

OCs Venus and Mars belong to marsminer. Rated T for safety.

Chapters (1)