We are Holo and Flashy, here to bring you our pony stories!
I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!
A bit of harmony, a lot of mania, on a foundation of existential thought, sprinkled with logic and innuendo... Damn it, now I'm thirsty.
All hail Polaris, glorious light, heavenly one and guide of lost souls! By his divine grace, the losts shall find their way. Heaven awaits and enternity beckons! The lord guide me! Glory upon my soul!
Hay guys! Glad you stopped by! Just another writer trying to get better... and I love writing them pony fics... Also, Fluttershy is best pony. Just saying...
I believe in my whole race. Yellow, white, black, red, brown in the honesty, courage, intelligence, durability and goodness of the overwhelming majority of my brothers and sisters everywhere
Just a Mum, missing her son. I live in Adelaide, South Australia.
A verifyable madman! Indeed, I may or may not be. I am, however, a brony, which is why I'm here. Obviously. If you cannot see that, you must need special glasses. No offense to people with glasses.
Just made this account because my buddy SporeDragon wanted me to be here, not a brony myself, but happy to say hello.
life is a pile of good and bad. the good doesn’t always soften the bad, but vice versa the bad doen’t always spoil the good or make them unimportant.
A Dreamwalker, hoping to share the stories he keeps.
A writer who grew from their many mistakes, and who still loves ponies deeply.
I'm Dissonance. Really good at crossovers. || She/Her || Profile Art By: https://www.deviantart.com/chris-h94
I am Der Lampman. Nothing interesting about me. I'm a gamer, a novice writer (hopefully subject to change) and a hopeless romantic. Most of the time stuck on hopeless though. Cheerio!
The real villains were the friends we made along the way.
I am your pawn, and I shall be used in any way you see fit!
Machine-God be praised. Also, call me "Mago-Five" and I'll forcefully shove a chainblade mechadendrite up your rectum. I mean it. Don't do it.
Praise the Three, the Emperor, the Sun, and the Moon.