• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 27th, 2015


I type stories using my hands


I don't even watch Adventure Time · 8:25pm Jan 17th, 2012

A while ago, I saw this on memebase. Obviously it made me think of a certain somebody.

And so now I find this on ponibooru. Mystery artist, you have done the world a service, and I thank you.

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Just posting this · 3:52am Jan 9th, 2012

So I have this now. I made her out of a Dewdrop Dazzle. She sits on the edge of my keyboard while I write.

There was actually a time when I didn't understand the background character fandom. I didn't get what was so special about ponies with no canon personalities, let alone even minor speaking roles. Ha. Not pictured here are my Lyra desktop background and Lyra Google Chrome theme.

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The Everfree Forest · 5:02am Jan 2nd, 2012

So in the new chapter Lyra's finally gone into the Everfree Forest. Looks like she didn't find any cryogenically frozen humans or missile silos... Guess she just didn't go far enough? That must be it...

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Free Internets to a Good Home · 3:30pm Dec 26th, 2011

I've received so many Internets from this story that I don't know what to do with them all. It's a good thing that the Internet is not a big truck, but rather a series of tubes, as they are easier to store.

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Report JasonTheHuman · 332 views ·

Equestria Daily · 8:14pm Dec 23rd, 2011

My story is now featured on Equestria Daily. Awesome! It's like a Christmas miracle. As a human, I do not celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve, but I wish all of you ponies a happy one.

Thank you, ASMPony, for the term "Reverse Furry." I used it as a tag.

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You people are crazy · 5:30pm Dec 21st, 2011

I had no idea people loved Lyra so much. It's okay, because Lyra loves people too. I'd just like to know where all 6,000 or so of you are coming from.

Starting with Chapter 3, I'll be trying to update regularly each Monday. I think that should give me plenty of time to write and edit. This story will probably end up being fairly long, so I need to find a routine and stick with it.

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Dawn of The First Day · 9:35pm Dec 17th, 2011

So I posted my story a few hours ago and now it's on that little slideshow thing at the top! So that's pretty cool. I tried logging off and apparently it's showing that to everyone, it's not just to make me feel special.

I'll just collectively thank everyone who read it, commented, or rated up. You give me joy this holiday season.

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Report JasonTheHuman · 299 views ·