• Member Since 18th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen June 8th



Jus in Inordinatio · 5:46am Jun 17th, 2020

EDIT: After a conversation with a friend, I've been convinced that despite agreeing in principle with the points that television host Tucker Carlson makes in the portion of his commentary I've transcribed, expressing the points in my own way would be a better way to convey my thinking. That said, it seems right to retain what I'm no longer using via use of the "spoiler" tag so that a record of my first draft still exists. I may be rewording it, but I am still responsible for who I chose

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Vignette Number One Complete · 5:58pm Feb 1st, 2019

I got the first of these planned side stories done and dusted, although I'm now trying to locate art that fits the story or that I could fiddle with to conform to the story. Something with Nightmare and Chrysalis in it, but not erotic because the story is pretty PG/PG-13. Maybe if anyone reads this, they can suggest an artist or some artwork. Point is, it'll be put up when I can find the right art for it.

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A Minor Announcement, A Recommendation, and a Contemplation · 7:50am Jan 10th, 2019

It has been quite a while since I've used this thing and I have a sneaking suspicion that a lack of chattering in blog posts is probably one of the many things I'm doing to sabotage myself as far as getting active interest and commentary on my writing. I suppose I just don't have a great deal to say, at least nothing that makes me think of opening a blog and posting something in it. Based on how long it's been since I did this... well, I'm clearly kinda of lazy.

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MLP Quiz, because I can. · 11:44pm Aug 19th, 2015

Fav Characters: Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash
Least Fav Characters: Pinkie Pie.
Fav Background Pony: Vinyl Scratch
Least Fav Background Pony: Canon Doctor Hooves.
Fav Mane Six Member: Twilight Sparkle
Least Fav Mane Six Member: Pinkie Pie.
Fav CMC: Scootaloo.
Least fav CMC: Sweetie Belle.
Fav Princess: Luna.
Least Fav Princess? Celestia
Fav Season: 1.
Least Fav Season: 5.

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Always #LikeAGirl · 7:39am Feb 3rd, 2015

Responding to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjJQBjWYDTs&feature=trueview-instream and especially the top comment by Jeffro Johnson:

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And what is "win"? · 6:02pm Jul 16th, 2014

Yeah, I'm on a roll and I don't have the good sense to stop while I'm ahead.

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FEMALE Thor? Goddammit, Disney! · 9:31am Jul 16th, 2014


A response to "When A Homophobe Has 1480 Followers, You Know You're In The Wrong Fandom" · 11:27am Jul 14th, 2014

((This is meant as a response to the blog post here -> http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/349325/when-a-homophobe-has-1480-followers-you-know-youre-in-the-wrong-fandom
I chose not to put this here because I think it'd get lost in the clutter and honestly, I doubt that Bad_Seed_72 would appreciate my ranting at her.))

Let's see... how to respond to this blatherskite without ridiculing you...

Dammit. -_-

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Because I'm bored and have too much time on my hands... · 6:07am Mar 15th, 2014


I need feminism because
It’s acceptable to call me a slut.

Who told you that?

I need feminism because
It’s okay for a guy to slap my butt.

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In Response... · 8:56am Mar 14th, 2014

(Because of some unknown site hiccup, I can't make this post here (http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/297594/on-heroes-violence) so I'm putting it here instead.)

First, are the bandits bad? What if they’re just trying to get food? Provide for their families.

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