• Member Since 17th Jul, 2012
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Hi. · 9:15pm April 30th

Been a while, but I'm still floating around now and then. Been thinking about ponystories a lot, and how I have one more in me that I'd REALLY like to write.
Life has been weird, though. I'm now on a horse farm in the horse state, rather than a graveyard-adjacent house in the cheese state. There has been joy and sorrow and, you know, life.

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Also, Commissions For Charity · 5:10am Jun 2nd, 2020

So right now I’m offering vignettes (roughly 1000-2000 words) as commissions, but instead of paying me you make a donation to charity. Any charity. If you need suggestions, then:

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Charity: Center for Disaster Philanthropy · 9:50pm May 22nd, 2020

So okay. Originally I was going to raise money for something closer to home but the barn has secured a grant that makes me less worried about it, and I think my efforts would be better focused here.

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Report BlackRoseRaven · 328 views · #charity

Next Month: Charity Time · 8:44am Apr 25th, 2020

So I'm thinking that next month I'd like to run a charity event, but this will be a little different from previous events and I'm trying to figure out how to make it work.

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Report BlackRoseRaven · 286 views · #horse #charity

Happy Hearts and Hooves · 2:42pm Feb 14th, 2020

In other news, I'm going to be getting a charity thing up and running maybe next month, so that should be exciting. We'll see how it goes, though. The format will be a little different but hopefully it'll be a lot of fun for everyone.

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Here's To The New Year · 12:38am Jan 1st, 2020

So it hasn't been exactly the best year, really. While I've had a record amount of commissions, it's cut into personal writing time. There's also the whole "working with actual horses" thing, and the fact that, you know, that seems to be even more of a passion for me than writing is. Not that I'm planning to stop writing or anything.
Of course new adventures bring new pains, too. Early in the year, the first horse I'd ever trained died suddenly and unexpectedly. That sucked.

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Happy Nightmare Night · 3:35pm Oct 31st, 2019

We have winter here in Wisconsin. Like it's snowing right now as I look out the window and there's already several inches on the ground. So I'm glad I did my costume riding a few days ago.

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Upcoming · 5:48pm Aug 19th, 2019

Antares and Innocence get to have their own whirlwind adventure through the Realm of the Giants.
Another story will follow this one. I have no idea how long it will be, or when I'll even be able to get started: I have some commissions and other projects that need to be done first.
I mean my two things are writing and horses, and I'm either doing stupid stuff with one or stupid stuff with the other. At least the writing is less likely to kill me. Probably. Hopefully.

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Happy New Year · 3:58pm Dec 31st, 2018

It ended up being a very busy year for me. But productive on a lot of fronts, ultimately. I mean, it never feels like enough, but I really got more done and learned more than I ever expected I would. I suppose a big part of it is that there's always more to do, always more ideas, always more things that I wish I could fit in the day.

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Report BlackRoseRaven · 341 views · #horse #new year

Happy Nightmare Night · 9:31pm Oct 31st, 2018

Make friends, take risks, eat candy, get scared.

Report BlackRoseRaven · 360 views · #horse