• Member Since 7th Feb, 2022
  • offline last seen June 1st


Man, I wish Bios where longer, guess that means I have to shorten it. But I'm lazy about it so I'll do it later.(probably never) If I see an opportunity to meme I'm going to meme.


Thanks, it's been great! · 9:17pm May 27th

I would explain, but I just waste an hour of my time explaining why, only for my blog to just disappear, so in short,
Rip Doge
Happy Memorials Day
My social life here is crippled, and sorry to the friends I've made and the promises I could not keep to others.
My job has taken over my time.

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My job & how it's going · 3:12pm January 21st

I can't say I'm surprised but I truly am, God being an adult sucks. The job is for the most part, easy; There are some things that require much more than de-prep this and prep that, sometimes I have to do laboring tasks and those are tiring on my body. What kills me are my feet, everyday is a struggle on concrete flooring, I get two ten-minute breaks and half hour lunch, if the job I'm doing doesn't require me to stand, I sit down an work. I do this as often as I can, I can go to the bathroom

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Report horsepoweryt · 80 views ·

Yeah... here we go! · 12:41pm January 8th

My days of freedom are over, it's time to work.
I'll talk to ya'll in a couple weeks from now.

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Happy New Years and a happy surprise · 5:41pm January 1st

Hey guys, yeah, I'm not dead. I'm gonna be brief again but also, explain last year's winners.
Yeah, I had to go without my computer for nearly 2 weeks. My upgrades are good, but when playing games, the cpu feels as hot as a furnace.(joking of course but it does still get hot, despite the upgrades) OH and I got to keep EVERYTHING. hip hip :yay:

The sleep study still hasn't happened, so I guess it's off the table or whatever.

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short & brief · 11:48am Dec 4th, 2023

I was at the doctor a couple days ago, told them about my sleep, I'm going to have a sleep study done soon, and possible change in meds..maybe.
And today I'll be upgrading my computer. When I game on my high graphic games, my pc tends to heat up or have me smell or feel the heat coming off it. So I'll be upgrading my Memory, Storage and CPU along with its fan. Which means after that I'll have to re-install everything...again. Hope ya'll are all doing okay, Hp out.

Report horsepoweryt · 68 views ·

The Thanks of Giving! · 10:17pm Nov 23rd, 2023

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This actually might happen · 8:06pm Nov 12th, 2023

if you don't or do know, (Probably haven't said it tho) My sleeping schedule is bucked up. Can't ever get enough sleep, haven't for months, but recently I've actually gotten decent sleep, I'm talking 6 to 9 'an a half hours. I've always woken up in 1-4 hours and then try to go back to sleep, If I keep up my sleep schedule for the next two weeks, I could start actually looking for a job, that metal work company hasn't given me any openings, especially when they are HIRING. But by the time

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nothing of note....buuuuuuuuuuuuuut- · 12:53pm Nov 8th, 2023

Yeah, my dumb arse really thought that election day held the presidential election. So the current object is not to survive, yet. Other related health news; My Left knee has been acting up something weird. For the last four days I haven't been able to walk straight, now there's no pain or anything, but an occasional stiff resistance. And just last night, I could no longer stand straight, that was between launch and dinner yesterday. Again, no pain but, I had to use something as cane to

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Blog 70: Random 4: The encrypted use of the word; CON · 6:24am Nov 6th, 2023

If you really think about it, calling a Decepticon a Con, kinda sounds racist. Especially when you use the hard C, it just makes it sound more racist.

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Hi all.......I've done it again haven't I? · 12:21pm Oct 31st, 2023

Happy Halloween/Nightmare Night. I've been gone for a while again. I've lost some motivation to read, nothing more, nothing less. Don't know if I want to start right now, but I'll come back soon...I think? Life is boring at the moment. Throughout that small time though, Christmas decoration, music, and adds started playing and that is not ok. ITS THE SPOOKY MONTH. I don't want to hear or see that at this time of year! God is also playing a trick this year it seems. Cause it gonna snow in

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