• Member Since 7th Feb, 2022
  • offline last seen June 1st


Man, I wish Bios where longer, guess that means I have to shorten it. But I'm lazy about it so I'll do it later.(probably never) If I see an opportunity to meme I'm going to meme.

More Blog Posts80

  • 8 weeks
    Thanks, it's been great!

    I would explain, but I just waste an hour of my time explaining why, only for my blog to just disappear, so in short,
    Rip Doge
    Happy Memorials Day

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    2 comments · 61 views
  • 26 weeks
    My job & how it's going

    I can't say I'm surprised but I truly am, God being an adult sucks. The job is for the most part, easy; There are some things that require much more than de-prep this and prep that, sometimes I have to do laboring tasks and those are tiring on my body. What kills me are my feet, everyday is a struggle on concrete flooring, I get two ten-minute breaks and half hour lunch, if the job I'm doing

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    0 comments · 80 views
  • 28 weeks
    Yeah... here we go!

    My days of freedom are over, it's time to work.
    I'll talk to ya'll in a couple weeks from now.

    0 comments · 65 views
  • 29 weeks
    Happy New Years and a happy surprise

    Hey guys, yeah, I'm not dead. I'm gonna be brief again but also, explain last year's winners.
    Yeah, I had to go without my computer for nearly 2 weeks. My upgrades are good, but when playing games, the cpu feels as hot as a furnace.(joking of course but it does still get hot, despite the upgrades) OH and I got to keep EVERYTHING. hip hip :yay:

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  • 33 weeks
    short & brief

    I was at the doctor a couple days ago, told them about my sleep, I'm going to have a sleep study done soon, and possible change in meds..maybe.

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    0 comments · 69 views

nothing of note....buuuuuuuuuuuuuut- · 12:53pm Nov 8th, 2023

Yeah, my dumb arse really thought that election day held the presidential election. So the current object is not to survive, yet. Other related health news; My Left knee has been acting up something weird. For the last four days I haven't been able to walk straight, now there's no pain or anything, but an occasional stiff resistance. And just last night, I could no longer stand straight, that was between launch and dinner yesterday. Again, no pain but, I had to use something as cane to start walking around after the fact. The stairs were now my greatest challenge. I probably did something, but I can't remember if I ever did anything. No matter what position I'm in, my knee won't be any better. All I can do is just wait for it to pass. I've had this before and it's always the left leg, it passes, but I don't know how long, its random. And if it's there when I go see my doctor well, we'll see. Happy Early Veterans Day to the Vets. Can't make the time, Pretty job hungry at the moment.
Me: Loses a character I brewed and had fight for my army only to lose them before saving them to the Character Pool:

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