• Member Since 29th Jan, 2022
  • offline last seen November 20th


they/she 21

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  • 46 weeks
    Return Mayhaps?

    hellow friends,, unsure how many were vaguely invested in my account / the only story i have up at the moment, but DGTBH is going to be finally continuing!!! because good lord i have slacked super hard so chapter three is to be expected soon,,, so sorry for the wait T_T mental health and life have been yuck

    0 comments · 70 views
  • 105 weeks

    here is official human fluttercord. finally,, i have been struggling with drawing human discord but now i am finally pleased

    0 comments · 117 views
  • 105 weeks
    discord design .

    i am realizing that in my first chapter of adgtbh i absolutely do Not Like the design i had in mind for discord partially because i think its very overused (its not bad, just not my personal favorite) and paartially because i found someone on tiktok that i fell in LOVE with their human discord and im taking a lot of inspo from, so if the random change in appearance in the new chapter when it comes out seems weird that is why xD. and for that i apologize

    1 comments · 138 views
  • 107 weeks
    concept art- fluttershy

    decided to do concept art for my fluttercord fic because i realized i needed a good idea of how everyone looked because even though its just a fluttercord fic the WORLD BUILDING!! IS IMPORTANT!!! TO ME!! anyways here is human fluttershy. in my fic. more to come when i figure out how to draw Masculine Characters

    3 comments · 181 views
  • 120 weeks
    discord but yas

    does posting fanart here work like this?? i have no idea T_T anyway heres the Guy.

    (this is my art by the way)

    0 comments · 96 views

Return Mayhaps? · 12:06am January 16th

hellow friends,, unsure how many were vaguely invested in my account / the only story i have up at the moment, but DGTBH is going to be finally continuing!!! because good lord i have slacked super hard so chapter three is to be expected soon,,, so sorry for the wait T_T mental health and life have been yuck

Report fluttershyy · 70 views ·
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my day has been alright !! now that my first fic was finally accepted i'll need to get working on the next chapter soon probably

Anytime, lovely...mare? 🤔

How's your day been?

thank u so much !!

Here to make your day 'cuz why not :twilightsmile:

Since no one said it, welcome to FiMFiction, friend! 😇

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