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The Great Scribbly One

A misplaced loremaster of Arda.


From the Dawn of Time Appendices: Coasts, Cavegriffs and Calaquendi · 5:51am Apr 6th, 2023

Hello everyone, I do hope you enjoyed your trip to the neolithic and weren't too disappointed that it took place in the back end of Griffonia. If you were, then this blog ought to set things if not straight, then at least smooth the crumples.


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Reform Appendices: Parliament, Princesses and Peerage · 8:17pm Oct 23rd, 2022

Hello everyone, I do hope you enjoyed the beginnings of Luna's reforms! I've been blown away by the responses to it thus far, thanks so much. We'll definitely be seeing more of Luna in the hopefully near future, and perhaps of Buff Envelope as well at some point.

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Silver, Sir Humphrey's militant cousin and a progress update · 4:31pm Sep 27th, 2022

Yesterday, the results of the Fifth Annual Equestria at War Writing Contest came in, and to my surprise my entry Teething Troubles came second!
Do have a look at the other fics on the podium and the honourable mentions, if you haven't already.

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Equestria at War Writing Competition 2022 · 3:51am May 30th, 2022

Wow, a year already. Or a bit more. I sadly missed the one year anniversary of Prologue's release, but that isn't the point of this blog. I haven't released anything for a while, and that's for the reason that I've had to do a major rework of the first book of the Quenta Roccolie for numerous reasons mentioned in the butterfly woes blog. It'll be worth the wait. Hopefully.

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Context at last! · 10:36pm Mar 22nd, 2022

Hello, and happy Maglor Day! After much wrangling of translations and head scratching over graphics, I am pleased to unveil in overglorious fashion a simple map of the mythical Kingdom of Tailte Sioc:

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Butterfly woes, Ao3 and FĂ«anorian week 2022 approaches · 4:49pm Feb 21st, 2022

Hello, to open my first blog post, I'd like to thank everyone who's read my three currently released fics, and especially those who have provided feedback and support. Checking FIMFiction in the morning and seeing an extra like, or a notification that I've been added to someone's bookshelf does wonders for my motivation, since it means people are actually enjoying the tripe I spout. So yes, thank you all.

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