• Member Since 13th Jun, 2012
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44 Hour Stream! Tune in for Potentially Hours Of Entertainment · 1:02pm May 6th, 2016

Wow, it's sure been awhile since I've posted anything on here. I unfortunately haven't gotten back into the writing game (though I'm often thinking about it). What I am doing, apparently, is helping stream random video games for a full day throughout all timezones. You should join us, it'll be ridiculously amateurish and filled with references you won't get!

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Because I don't think all of you are following Sharp Spark yet... · 8:11pm Jul 31st, 2013

...I should announce he finished a story. I'd probably do this anyway, but this time it's especially relevant because it somehow came out of an idea I had for a Thirty Minute Ponies a few months ago.

Anyway, he put a whole lot of work into it (I just kind of said ridiculous things and then they made it into the fic), and it turned out pretty amazing, so:

Go read Operation COLDATE

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『Changing Strings and Other Things』 and Other Things · 8:51pm Apr 24th, 2013

So, I got back into the editing business, and worked on a fic for Sharp Spark. It's a pretty good piece, I think, if one with a subject matter that won't fit everyone's tastes. So if you're looking for something to read – well, really you should check out his Authored for Adoration instead, it's a fantastic comedy starring Rarity and the mane six, and if when I

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It Must Be The End of the World: I've Started Writing Again · 7:03pm Dec 21st, 2012

It's true! I've got almost 13k words of Slice-of-Life/Romance that's supposed to be set up for Adventure/Comedy sitting around, and you, dearest follower/random visitor to my page, can read it now! If you enjoyed Hypothetical, it's essentially more of that, only with narration this time. And it takes a stand that shipping equals yes. (I also happen to

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Random Plug · 8:26pm Oct 2nd, 2012

Not sure why, but I'm compelled to tell someone about Jelly no Puzzle, and the only way I have to solve that is by posting about it for you, nebulous audience! (and RT) Anyway, about a year ago Hana no Puzzle was released, and it was one of the most original, cerebral, clever puzzle games I've ever played. On a whim I decided to see if the developer made anything else,

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Game Design: Battlefield Composure · 8:44am Sep 18th, 2012

I feel like talking about a design idea I've had for a while, and while this isn't a great place to do that, I can't think of any better.

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Still Not Quite an Announcement · 5:01am Sep 17th, 2012

Because I'm pretty sure informing you that something that doesn't exist will probably continue not existing counts as one. Here's a link to the little bit that does, because I feel bad about leaving a pseudo-promise here and not delivering. (It's a small experiment in pony JRPG battle mechanics, for those who are understandably wary of downloading random undescribed files. Z/X are confirm/cancel, A/S/D/C are useless text stuff, Up/Down are

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Gratitude and a Non-Announcement · 7:30pm Aug 14th, 2012

Well, it's been like a week, so I guess I should say something or I'll end up as one of those authors who you know nothing about what they're thinking or doing, and that always disappoints me.

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The Day Has Come · 2:56am Aug 7th, 2012

Yeah, I wrote a pony fanfic. I thought it'd never happen, but then I was offered free stuff! Blame Arcainum, again.

Here's the link, if for whatever reason you need it.

That's all, I guess.

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I finally have an account! · 4:17am Jun 18th, 2012

And now Arcainum has linked me on Five Should Be Enough, and I'm leaving (a few) comments, so I might even get pageviews! Anyway, I'm Exuno. I've been reading ponyfic for almost exactly a year now, but being the compulsive lurker I am, haven't had an account or made much of a presence before. I'm trying to make a little bit of an effort of changing that, if you

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