• Member Since 8th Oct, 2020
  • offline last seen September 24th

Nighthawk alpha bravo

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  • 19 weeks
    Sorry for the absence, life has caught up to me but I’ve got another chapter coming

    Hey everyone, sorry for the absence but good news is I’ve got another chapter coming out, I wanted to do it on my birthday which was a few days ago but I was so busy that day that I had no further energy. So yeah, expect something from me in a couple of days, I also write and work other sites so I won’t always be here, you could say i bounce from site to site.

    0 comments · 41 views
  • 32 weeks
    Finally have a story that will stick and that I will send out

    Okay, I have a human in Equestria story, although it’s not the traditional human in Equestria everyone is used to, it’s a little more complex, but to not spoil anything, I will close my mouth about this. Just wanted to say I have a story that will hopefully make it to you to read…. Yeah after a long long long long long time.

    And I will actually continue that Equestria Dustoff story, not sure why the heck I stopped that, inspiration maybe.

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  • 45 weeks
    Okay, almost done here, just a few more things I need to do.

    Back again to say I’m almost ready to share buuuuuuuut, I’m stuck between two stories, we shall see which one I want to post. what do you fellas wanna hear. Do you want to hear how a crew of airmen and their high tech Air Force helicopter end up in Equestria? Or do you want just a regular human family ending up in Equestria? I can do one now, and than one later if you want, I’m just taking suggestions at this point.

    1 comments · 73 views
  • 52 weeks
    Hey I’m back, been ages hasn’t it

    Howdy folks, I know I went off the grid for a bit, who am I kidding, a long long time. Reasons for my unannounced departure was to create a story, but all the attempts at stories were failures, they all seemed so original. But then there’s my story Equestria Dustoff, I know I left you guys hanging, but not to worry, if things go right, I’m planning to remake it, my writing has improved, or to me at least.

    So yeah, it’s nice to be back.

    …..What’s wrong, never seen a ghost before?

    2 comments · 70 views
  • 104 weeks
    Wow, how long has it been since I’ve done a blog?! Anyways, this is regarding my story

    Okay, I know it seems like my story is not going to get continued, but it is, I’m doing multiple things nearly at the same time, I’ve got many people asking me to do things on different sites and I can only do so much, I’m not complaining or making excuses, I’m just explaining what this non-continuation is all about, because I will continue Equestria Dustoff, seeing how so many people like it.

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Sorry for the absence, life has caught up to me but I’ve got another chapter coming · 12:40am May 21st

Hey everyone, sorry for the absence but good news is I’ve got another chapter coming out, I wanted to do it on my birthday which was a few days ago but I was so busy that day that I had no further energy. So yeah, expect something from me in a couple of days, I also write and work other sites so I won’t always be here, you could say i bounce from site to site.

Comments ( 31 )
  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31

Feeling better and yesterday I picked up some Buffalo Wild Wings, so yeah, great day. About the pfp, I’m a helicopter enthusiast, i wish I could fly an airline like my uncle but those pesky vision requirements stood in my way.

Of course!

Lemme know when you're feeling okies. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31
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