• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 30th, 2018



Thanksgiving Weekend · 5:10am Dec 3rd, 2013

So Thanksgiving weekend was kind of awesome. I got to spend time with family that I haven't seen in ages along with my immediate family. I got to go on a bit of a road trip (with said immediate family) and eat at places I've never been (some pretty darned awesome places, in fact).

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Report Noferno · 463 views ·

Season Premiere's effects on Rise of the Legend (no spoilers, so don't worry) · 6:51pm Nov 23rd, 2013

So as you may know, season 4 premiered today. As you also may know, Rise of the Legend is based in the past. Long, long ago in the past.

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Report Noferno · 357 views ·

GUESS WHO'S BACK, BITCHES · 10:11pm Nov 18th, 2013

I wouldn't be making this post if it was just a simple case of, "Oh, I started writing again." Whoopdee doo. I've done that plenty and published, what? Four chapters in total so far?

Nope. I'm here to tell you that I'm back because I just finished the final revisions on Moon's Shadow Chapter 001. That means that, as soon as it's approved, you'll be able to see a link to it on my sidebar.

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Report Noferno · 455 views ·

Status as of 09/01/2013 @ 5:00 PM Eastern · 9:22pm Sep 1st, 2013

Remember when I said that I'd have the first chapter of the new story posted three weeks ago? Yeah... that was before everything went to heck... again.

It seems to be a common pattern in my life, actually.

Anyways, the point is that things haven't gone to heck just yet, but we'll see. I should always qualify my deadlines with, "If things don't go to heck..." In fact, I think I'll do that now!

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Report Noferno · 349 views ·

Status as of 08/11/2013 @ 5:30 PM Eastern · 9:39pm Aug 11th, 2013

So I know I promised you guys that fic last week, but I sent it to some beta readers and they gave me some really good notes. Unfortunately, one of the beta readers got a little busy and couldn't give me his complete notes until today. I'll be working with the changes he suggested tomorrow and then I'll adjust it to be able to post it on FiMFiction (it's a Word document and so I obviously need to make some formatting changes)... and then I'll post it.

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Report Noferno · 409 views ·

Status as of 08/04/2013 @ 12:30 PM Eastern · 4:27pm Aug 4th, 2013

Okay, so... I accidentally lied last week. I had a heck of a lot more stuff to do in the days following that blog post and I couldn't get back on schedule. I should be back on schedule tomorrow or Tuesday, though. Now, I know I've made promises about my schedule before, but the issue there was sleep. I am pretty much on schedule for getting to bed on time (I've been getting to bed a little late recently, but not too late). The issue right now is that I've got a lot of stuff I need to get

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Report Noferno · 363 views ·

Status as of 07/28/2013 @ 04:30 PM Eastern · 8:29pm Jul 28th, 2013

So it's been a long time since I updated this! Well, I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that I'm halfway through my third revision of the first chapter of the fanfic on which I'm currently working, and the truth is that it should only take a couple hours to finish once I actually get to it, and then the fourth revision (second and fourth revisions are always minor, spot edits) should be done not long after that.

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Report Noferno · 392 views ·

Status as of 06/24/2013 @ 04:30 PM Eastern · 8:37pm Jun 24th, 2013

Oh, hey! Remember when I used to update you guys on my situation?

Well, I managed to get started on my schedule again. I'm not perfectly on it, but I did manage to record stuff for the first episode of my Everquest Let's Play last night. Additionally, I did some drawing today as well as a bit of editing.

Right now, I decided to focus on my Let's Play stuff as well as avoiding several-hour-long naps, but that should only take a day or two.

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Report Noferno · 397 views ·

Status as of 06/10/2013 @ 10:00 PM Eastern · 2:05am Jun 11th, 2013

So the good news is that my computer is working, I'm catching up on my schoolwork, and I'm close to being back on my regular sleep schedule.

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Report Noferno · 358 views ·

Status as of 06/06/2013 @ 11:00 PM Eastern · 3:22am Jun 7th, 2013

These are getting later and later each week, aren't they?

Well, I finally got most things settled and I'm on my new computer (with my new keyboard and mouse) right now.

I did get quite a bit of editing done on my next fic, but I think it's going to take a lot more before I feel that it's good enough. I'm thinking maybe three or four rounds of editing. At least.

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Report Noferno · 355 views ·