• Member Since 3rd May, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Carmine Craft

Just a shoddy writer, now with an okay profile pic :)


Important. · 4:25pm Mar 8th, 2022

Ive recently lost someone important to me, and Ill be taking a little break from... anything and everything for a while.

All stories are on hold for the time being.

Sorry for the dissapointment.

Report Carmine Craft · 544 views ·

Help? Part 2? · 4:44pm Feb 11th, 2022

Im glad to hear at least a few of you would be willing to help a poor author out!

I only have two tiers to the page at the moment, and not many perks beside, but as Im able to dedicate time and money to this, I'll make sure you're getting your money's worth!

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Help? · 5:47pm Feb 10th, 2022

Its me, the self proclaimed shoddy writer!

Ive got a question for you all.
Patreon. Its a thing I've been tinkering with a little, but before I get too far down that road, I figured I would ask the lovely and exponentially more knowledgeable users of thus site, if its even a thing I can attach to this account.

And even if it is, is it something y'all would be interested in?

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The return of a Story! · 9:30pm Dec 21st, 2021

Hey all, Just posting this here to let you know that the rewrite of That Time I Became a Friendship Bomb is now Live! If you still hold any interest in the original, then I recommend you give the rewrite a look.

I look forward to writing more for you!


I'm still very much alive! · 9:03pm Dec 19th, 2021

Whoes that Pokemon
Ny. Definetly pony. No other word.

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Story updates. First update of the year. · 3:35am Feb 8th, 2021

Hey again! I meant for this to be monthly, but I seem to have missed on that, so ill try and update th a little more regularly!

Lets get started, shall we?

Friendship Bomb: Currently in major rewrite. First chapter is done and ready for polishing! Its been quite a while since I talked to the kind folks that offered to edit for me, so ill have to do that at some point. Ill let you knkw if they arent interested anymore.

Time and a Half: this story is going great!

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Story updates. · 12:39am Dec 24th, 2020

So, Im gonna try and be a little more professional about where I leave updates to my stories. Instead of just leaving comments on random ones, I'll try and keep all the updates contained to this blog, make sense? Yes? Good, glad someone gets it, can you explain it to me?:derpytongue2:

Friendship Bomb: Currently in major rewrite. The prologue is finished and only needs polished, and the first chapter is sitting at a cool 1900 words, and isn't quite ready.

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The newest chatper of Friendship Bomb. · 7:35pm Feb 6th, 2020

Okay, so, I'm finally in a mood to write this story again.
Problem is, I'm nowhere near creative enough to write more than like, two of the talent acts in it.
And while I could just gloss over the entirety of Ponyville's contributions to the show, I have a different idea.

What my current idea is, is that I open this chapter up to the readers that want me to continue this story!

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