• Member Since 10th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Jan 28th, 2019


I'll help heal you, please just keep fighting you can count on me! As I a prince I can't give up when everyone is counting on me to assist you.

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So this story is going to feature many miniature versions of characters from across the Multiverse. Please be advised this is written for the sake of joking around which is in fact how the main idea for this story has come about. My dear friend Unknown_Griffin and I were passing off jokes to each other when the idea of a beer size Papyrus came about. We were talking about how tall that character is, 6ft 1inch, and I added bet that Twilight would get a real kick by asking him about how a skeleton could move without muscle mass

We kept exchanging certain interviews and aftermaths that could spring from certain characters antics. Thus this was born. There will be continuity {insert Silver Quill} for certain characters returning for another session. So hope you enjoy what follows.

Co-writer: Unknown_Griffin

Chapters (1)