• Member Since 27th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen January 8th



  • Registered: Sep 27th, 2018

Stories ( 6 )

Top Stories

  • TImmortality's Curse
    Twilight Sparkle finds herself sitting at the graves of her five friends after attending the funeral of the last one to pass unable to move on. An old friend tries to help.
    rainsilent · 1.6k words  ·  31  2 · 1.3k views
  • EA Letter Short
    Twilight gave an assignment to the Young Six. To write a letter about a friendship lession that each had while Twilight was away. Before Twilight starts to read the letters she realizes that one is missing.
    rainsilent · 1k words  ·  10  0 · 371 views
  • EPetrified
    Sunset's friends invite her to join them in seeing a traveling haunted house. When Sunset arrives late she discovers that she has to save her friends from a horrible fate.
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  • ELearning the Magic of Friendship
    It has been about twenty years since Dusky Rose had a particular talk about friendship with Princess Twilight. Now she has a daughter that doesn't see friendship as important.
    rainsilent · 2.9k words · 204 views