• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


A gal with a tablet and a whole universe of ideas. (she/her) ♥️


Eh, these stupid titles. I have no idea what to put here. · 8:32pm Last Thursday

Heyo. It's been a while, hasn't it? Over three weeks. While for some users here that may not really be too extraordinarily long a period without posting new blogs, for me it kind of is; I've sort of established myself as a frequently ranting gal here, I feel like. But anyway...

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Content Development · 9:42pm July 3rd

So... a bit of an update regarding my activity here. I'll try to be as quick and concise as possible, as I don't think this warrants a longer blog post, but is still something that should be said. As such:

  • My exam period ends tomorrow, when the last test takes place. After that, I will need a few days of doing nothing in order to wind down a bit and (possibly) receive my grades.

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Human uniqueness, or lack thereof · 4:02pm June 19th

I know I've touched upon this topic many times by now, but it's something that truly resonates with me and I want to talk about it again, I suppose.

Do you know why the idea of nobody being special fascinates me so much?

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Let's Talk · 1:26pm June 4th

Yes, I know, I'm spamming these blogs recently. Apologies for that, to anyone who might be inconvenienced; I just keep having things to say, I suppose, and this is one of barely any ways I have to comfortably engage with the community here.

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Hating on Bronies, Part 2 · 10:31am June 2nd

Just gonna leave this here for a while. Found in the wild under a YouTube video going over the bad side of our fandom made by a non-brony creator. The comments were filled with stuff like this:

How the everloving hell is this even a question???

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Archive Of Our Own · 6:23pm May 30th

Just set up an Archive Of Our Own (AO3) account!

If anyone's interested, well, here's the link! Make sure to say "hi" if you can! :twilightsmile:

For now, I'm taking my time to repost Of Starships and Golden Armors there, in order for it to hopefully reach a bit of a wider audience in time! But we'll see what my activity on the site brings in the future. :twilightsmile:

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Asking for Advice · 2:14pm May 23rd

I'm going to start this blog with a little confession... I think I've already mentioned it, but my passion for MLP seems to be taking a bit of a backseat for the time being. Now, that doesn't mean I'm going anywhere or that I won't ever write fanfiction again; no, this happens to me from time to time and the situation is almost certain to come back to normal in due time. However, one fact remains - despite bursts of creative energy, I haven't really been able to start working on the next

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Report Devona · 71 views ·

Chaos (Weirdness) · 11:40pm May 18th

Alright, uh... hey guys and gals. The last... good while has been a tad bit chaotic, hasn't it? Well, it has been for me is what I mean.

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The Future of "Deos ex Caellis" · 10:52am May 12th

Hello again. I think it's time for me to talk a bit about my presence here on FimFiction once more, mostly from the side of actual content-creation activity. It's been a while since I last touched upon this subject in my blogs, I think.

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Hating on Bronies · 3:44pm April 27th

This is going to be a rather short blog. There will also be cursing here, so please be advised.

You know, part of me is somehow a bit glad that G5 of MLP didn't end up getting as popular as G4, because holy fucking shit, the amount of people who just despise bronies as if we were the very icon of evil incarnate itself seems to still be relatively high, and I can't imagine how bad the situation would be if the franchise was once again as popular as it used to be.

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