• Member Since 27th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen May 24th, 2021


I am a Dreamer, a Dragonrider, a Friend, a Disciple of Jesus Christ, a Reader, a Writer, and a Pega-sister. ;)

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If you think you are too small and insignificant to make a difference, try spending the night with a mosquito—African proverb 

When Applejack came to Fluttershy asking for help, Fluttershy immediately agreed to help her without asking too many questions. She didn't expect to be thrown into a barn. Or to meet a cow. Or to discover a friendship was in danger of ending forever. Or to become determined to figure out why, so she could find a way to save it...

Actually, she didn't expect most of what ended up happening.

Warning: contains dairy cow.

Takes place in the middle of Season 7, sometime after The Perfect Pear but before School Daze. Can't give you a better timeline then that.

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is owned by Hasbro. So is Littlest Pet Shop, but that's not important to the story so you can forget about it if you want to.

Chapters (1)

Discord is a lot of things. A prankster. A showman. A lover (of chaos). He seems to go about with his emotions clear for everyone to see, even the ones it seems he wants to hide.

But everyone has secrets. The deepest part of our souls are hardly touched by outsiders.

If the Spirit of Chaos took a moment to share these thoughts, what would he say?

Would you dare to read it?

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro. And now you know, so don't say I didn't tell you when push comes to shove.

Note: I don't know what this is. I was just trying to write my usual cute fun fics and then this came out of my fingers. I thought I'd fix it up a bit and post it just in case anyone would like to read. So...sorry world.

Chapters (1)

How Twilight Sparkle met Death, invited him to lunch, brought up the subject of immortality, and won a card game.

Takes place sometime between Princess Twilight and Twilight's Kingdom, in the middle of season 4.

My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro. If you didn't know that. I hope you knew that.

Cover art designed, sketched, and colored by Me.

Chapters (1)

Five days after Cloudy Quartz Pie's most worrisome child leaves the Rock Farm to make her way in the world, the phone rings. You thought it was difficult dealing with Pinkie Pie in person? Try dealing with her explosive personality concentrated into only sound waves...

As mother and daughter converse, feelings will be shared, stories will be told, and most importantly questions will be answered...well, the important ones anyway.

Cover art by ColoringRainclouds https://coloringrainclouds.deviantart.com/

MLP and it's characters are owned by Hasbro

Chapters (2)