• Member Since 10th Apr, 2018
  • offline last seen June 21st

Genki Griffon

"If it's cute, it's evil!" - Make the bad stuff funny


Oh It seems I Procrascinated!? (Part 1) · 4:31am Jul 14th, 2021

Oh dear, it seems I haven't updated any of my stories or kept up with how goes my affairs for a long while. Sorry sorry! Whatever shall I do, other than writing a blog and not actually updating my stories! OH GOSH DARN IT! :raritydespair:

Well, let's just say I'm dealin' with life is all. Don't worry, however, I'm starting to get a "writing itch" again. And when that starts happenin' then there's bound to be an update to an existing story of mine....oooor an entirely NEW story. Who knows!

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LATE on continuing story: To Be A Wonderbolt, sorry! · 4:47pm Oct 19th, 2020

I'm really sorry for everyone who's been waiting for so long on my next chapter of: To Be A Wonderbolt.
Other than weeks and weeks of procrastination and taking care of my grandma, I couldn't really motivate myself to continue it, despite my enjoyment in writing it. I hope you can bear with the slowness for a while as I write Chapter 4 and then I have to edit it as much as I can before publishing it.

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My Projects Aside from RANDOM Fictions · 1:14am Nov 30th, 2019

My projects are important to me, they're what I'm constantly thinking about but for you readers, I say pay it no mind. Most of the time I want to make random stories that don't take long to make. I'm an idealist that constantly thinks, so from time to time I may bust out a story that's not even on the Projects list. Because, why the hell not, I don't really have schedules. I write when I feel and write when I want.

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Report Genki Griffon · 171 views · #Random

How Does One, One-Shot a Story? · 6:49am Nov 21st, 2019

It's a bit odd for me to say that I always wanted to write a one-shot, but I legitimately don't know how to. The thought of writing 1-5k words is just so alien to me. There's always more I want to write and it just piles on, more and more till it's not even a one-shot anymore. Especially when it comes to my two favorite writing genres SoL and Romance. I'm a fan of those long journeys to the goal but I admire the short, one page, fics.

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A Wise Mare Once Told Me Some Good Tips On Chapters Publifications · 6:14pm Jul 30th, 2019

This is what User: GMBlackJack told me...

My preferred method of writing is to finish the entire book's first draft before official publishes, and then release the chapters as they are edited.

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Writing Regret · 5:56pm Jul 30th, 2019

My biggest writing regret is not waiting to upload Bloodthorn Mansion. Should have written it till it was done then upload the chapters on a weekly schedule. I'll learn from that mistake.:ajsleepy:


Gallus Appreciation! - Catbirb reads catbirb stories · 1:08am Jul 22nd, 2019

I'm a big fan of Trixie as my favorite pony ever. :trixieshiftright:

But Gallus is my favorite Griffon! :twilightblush:

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Moderation over Auto · 6:40am Jun 20th, 2019

Lol first time I got the option to either Auto submit my story or go through Moderation. I was like, "Okay cool, so I don't have to wait", then I read that if certain things don't follow the rules, I would be punished harshly!
That scared the fuck out of me I tell ya! See, don't have the best memory when it comes to following rules. Auto Submit? HARD PASS, I'll take the moderator route thanks.

I need my hand held so I don't get in trouble HAHAHAH!!! NOPE! :derpytongue2:

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