• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


I love Deadliest Warrior and Sunset is my favorite character... Oh, and I think Celestia is a weak leader, cause she is.

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Total Words: 13,506
Estimated Reading: 54 minutes


Sunset has always wondered who her father is. Her mother, Princess Celestia, described him as kind, but can get very angry when woken up not on his own terms. When the Anon-A-Miss incident rolls around years later, she finally gets her chance to meet him - the Mighty Firebird. He will stop at nothing until those who have tormented his daughter have been punished severely.

The Suicide/Self Harm tag is for when Sunset nearly tries to end it all.

Chapters (2)

After being banned from coming to the wedding, Twilight leaves Equestria and becomes a member of the Storm King's army. This allows Twilight to become close friends with Tempest as Twilight swiftly rises to the rank of 2nd Commander and is renamed Sparkle Shadow.

Chapters (7)