• Member Since 28th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!


A Return to Normalcy · 2:54am Apr 23rd, 2018

Alright, that might be overegging it considering I haven't been here long enough to establish an update schedule beyond "sporadic". But hey, I've finished my big computer science project, finished my big history essay, nearly finished my big speech, and am probably not totally unprepared for tomorrow's physics exam. So... I should be able to update Growing Painssooner rather than later, hopefully within the week.

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Collected Tidbits from the Trash Fire · 4:11am Apr 22nd, 2018

So here is the thing about Dr. Who. It's bigger on the inside. You look at it right from the outset and go, 'Huh, there's only ten series so far. Let's try this thing out.'

(This is an especially easy mistake to make if you, like me, are American and can't easily access Classic Doctor Who.)

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Guess what nation I'm in right now. · 3:26am Apr 15th, 2018

That's right, the Procrasti-nation!

(Cue crickets)

Fine. Well, while I'd rather be in the Imagi-nation, I have learned something new. Writing is hecking hard, and I'm stuck on both my currently-running stories. Meanwhile, I've got an upcoming speech on net neutrality and a ten-page paper on the growth of the automobile and I swear I'm going to flip a table.

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Dr. Who & the Ponies · 4:32am Apr 9th, 2018

So here is a thing; I am working on a longer story arc. A much, much longer story arc. If you've read my previous posts, you already knew that. However, I think I've finally gotten the first series fleshed out. There will be twelve stories in the present storyline, with a trio of sort-of bonus storylines, one detailing the adventures of a past Doctor in Equestria, one as a side plot that didn't fit in neatly anywhere else, and one as a nice, light slice-of-life break from the adventure and

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Time and the Ponies · 3:34am Mar 26th, 2018

As I mentioned previously, I have been very busy with school and coming up with new story ideas. I am no longer busy with school. On a related note, I feel very strongly that snow has absolutely no place in spring break. Not only did my car get stuck in a ditch, but the tractor that tried to pull it out got stuck as well.

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A New Plotline · 2:47am Mar 16th, 2018

To begin with, I'd like to make a brief correction. In my prior blog post, I said that I could probably publish one chapter of Lost Crusades or two of Growing Pains every week. As it turns out, no I can't. I'm about midway through the next chapter of LC at the moment, but there is no way I'll be able to have it done by the end of the week. So, sorry about that. Have a blog post!

Here are some things I've been doing instead of writing the next chapter:

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I Have No Idea What I'm Doing · 10:33pm Mar 6th, 2018

So, hello. I'm glad to be here. While the title of this missive still holds very true for matters ranging from "What is appropriate blogging content," to "How do I do physics," I really am happy to finally be getting my weird, kinda funny fanfiction out into the world.

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