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I always knew trucking was hard. · 10:12pm May 22nd

I always knew this industry is not the one I was made for, too. So, why am I a trucker? Why have I been one for... what is it, three years now? No, three and a half.

It's because the trucking industry is the only one that'll hire. So why won't anyone else hire?

That's obvious. My resume sucks.

I have skills. I'm good at a lot of things. But those skills don't come from school or work.

And those skills most certainly do not include resume writing.

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The Girl who Really Didn't Just Live · 1:50pm January 2nd

As you might notice from my blog title today, I'm revisiting The Girl who Didn't Just Live. Last time, the story died and was replaced by the short-lived A Hogwarts Harmony. Which was replaced by the even shorter-lived ARM (I don't think I've released even the full title for that one yet, let alone the first chapter, but it's pretty close to DOA)... and a recent comment got me looking back at The Girl.

Anyways, I have a question.

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I'm not afraid to die. · 9:23pm Dec 1st, 2023

No, don't get me wrong, I'm not suicidal.

The thing is... this morning, I fell ill. It was probably a couple days ago when it actually started, but despite repeated measuring, I didn't have a fever. That changed last night- my temperature shot from normal to a moderate fever overnight, left me with no energy to anything when I got up.

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The Girl Who... really didn't just live after all, I guess. · 1:11am Oct 21st, 2023

Pardon the twisted title up there, but I couldn't resist. I am, after all, talking about TGwDJL: The Girl who Didn't Just Live... but also died.

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Hiatus... Expired! · 2:20am Jul 6th, 2023


For the last while, despite a few updates to some stories (I guess TGwDJL got a rewrite released seven weeks ago...?), I've been on Author Hiatus for the last while, and now I'm finally coming back. I've restabilized myself, and I'm ready to resume writing, and actually getting stuff done once again.

Yesterday, I posted Chapter 80 of Accidental Invasion, then talked about how I was going to avoid rewriting it and just 'make' it continue...

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She who did Far More than Just Living · 11:33am May 17th, 2023


So, we now have The Girl who Didn't Just Live Chapter 22 live. It was an absolute nightmare to rewrite, I can tell you- it took a small eternity to make sure there was actually a reason for Hailey to resurrect her mother. Not her father, though, that part ended up getting dropped from the chapter... yet it still grew by a thousand words or so.

Anyways, that's all for today.

Report computerneek · 167 views · #rewrite

A question for those of the Girl that Didn't Just Live this time. Big one. · 11:05pm May 11th, 2023


I'll make this short and sweet... or possibly long, I never really know how much I have to say until I say it.

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A question for the Starbound readers... · 6:56am May 7th, 2023

Hello again. I know it seems like it was only yesterday I was observing just how stupendously massive Princess Flight's ships must be, but, there's more. And no, it's not the part where those ships' sizes and construction times suggest that Equineothame has a truly impressive economic backbone despite having as apathetic of a population as it does, as both ships were completed in just a year or two- much faster than modern aircraft carriers, which take around 6 years... and nevermind

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I dun goofed. · 8:41am May 5th, 2023

I goofed.

Not today, no- actually quite a long time ago.

The thing is... the First Light and Dawnbreaker, in Starbound Flight, simply can't be as small as they are described. Only a 600-person crew capacity on the First Light, yet it's capable of berthing an interstellar passenger vessel internally, and is also aerodynamically capable, and a warship, and so on?

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Hai. · 6:16pm May 2nd, 2023


Remember how Chap. 10 was giving me pain a long time ago? Well... now Chap. 22 is. I've uploaded Chap. 21 in the meantime, and it's a little over doubled in length, involving a new character and a new development that you might find interesting...

Now. Chap. 22 is the one where Hailey resurrects her parents. So how on earth am I going to redo it...? The original version does not fit at all.

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