• Member Since 27th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago


Licensed Real Estate Agent & Notary Public. I also really love magical girls.


Leftover Story Ideas · 2:37am May 27th

These are all the stories I had put a little bit of thought or idea into that I'm now laying out here as I have no intention of writing more. Some ideas had more thought put into them than others, but what I'm putting here is essentially just random notes or outlines at best. I don't think anyone will get inspired or anything but if you do then feel free to do whatever you wish with these ideas.

Discord Went Down to Appleloosa:

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Report MagicS · 89 views ·

That's All · 6:14pm May 18th

I am now done with writing fanfiction. I have written everything I wanted to write and I am now moving onto other things. I will not be leaving the site or anything like that, I’ll still be around, reading and commenting if I feel the need to. But I don’t plan to write anything else. If I do it will at most be some silly one-shot or a slice of life EQG story. I’m satisfied with what I’ve written and the stories I’ve constructed for MLP fanfiction.

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Starlight Glimmer Regrets Her Mistakes · 11:19pm January 7th

Coming Soonish

I wonder if this picture could possibly have anything to do with anything...

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Applejack at the Edge of the World · 2:59am Sep 18th, 2023

Coming Soon

She still couldn’t see. That was the biggest issue facing her right now.

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Rainbow Dash Around the World · 1:18pm Dec 1st, 2021

Coming March 2022

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Daylight Gleam · 2:37am Jun 7th, 2021

Thanks to a very kind anonymous artist, here is my premier OC, the lovely Daylight Gleam.

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Future of the Lostverse · 1:17pm Apr 12th, 2021

I really like to write as it turns out. And I don’t want these little adventures of mine to end so soon.

So for the future of the somewhat interconnected verse that I’ve created, here are the stories:

1. Fluttershy Digs Deep – A relatively shorter story that should be around 80,000 words. It’ll be a very whimsical and fantastical story that primarily takes influence from Alice in Wonderland and Journey to the Center of the Earth. Complete

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When Star Wars Died · 11:03pm Jan 2nd, 2021

For a solid 15 years of my life Star Wars was the biggest thing in the world to me. From when I was about 4 years old and would've seen the movies for the first time on the old VHS's my parents owned to when I naturally started to lose interest in the franchise around 2010 due to a variety of reasons. But for those 15 years Star Wars was above anything else to me, Pokemon, DBZ, Halo, Starcraft, anything. Star Wars was the world to me. That's why it's so sad to see the current state of it and

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Report MagicS · 278 views · #Star Wars

Hospital · 5:25pm Dec 19th, 2020

Hi everyone who's reading my stories, in particular my Rainbow Dash one, I am currently in the hospital and do not know when exactly I'll be able to start publishing chapters again. Thank you, hope I'll be able to get back to it soon.

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Ranking the Seasons of Friendship Is Magic · 2:54am Jun 7th, 2020

I love ranking things and I wanted to do this for a while and really explain in detail how I feel about the seasons of the show and how they stack up to each other. So without further ado, from worst to best:

9. Season 6

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