• Member Since 13th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen May 8th, 2024


No longer doing stories.


Final post · 4:28pm May 7th, 2019

I have officially left the fandom and most likely not returning. I thank the fandom for what it has done for me, but I can no longer stay in it. It has from what I have seen become very toxic and I can no longer handle it. I know that some of you will flame me for saying that the fandom is toxic, but it is and everyone needs to realize that. The fandom's motto was 'love and tolerate', but from what I have seen it hasn't been shown since season 4, or maybe longer. Again, that is from what I have

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New site · 4:09am Apr 9th, 2019

I have swapped over to Wattpad to do my stories. My wattpad stories will not be MLP, but if you want to check out my account feel free too. I am already working on my first story there too.


Report silvercrystal432 · 369 views ·

PLEASE READ! IMPORTANT! · 7:11pm Mar 19th, 2019

I know that I have been on a long hiatus and haven't been updating, and I hope you can forgive me, but I feel like I need to tell you all. During the time that I was away, I realized that I'm not as passionate about the show as I once was and I'm now falling out of the Brony fandom. I love this fandom and everything that it has done for me, but I don't know if I will be in the Brony fandom by the time Gen 5 runs around. And I don't know if I will update these stories any time soon or if at all,

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Report silvercrystal432 · 410 views ·

quick update · 1:59am Dec 14th, 2018

I'm sorry I haven't updated any of my stories, but after I wrote the first chapter to 'Nightmare star' I started drawing blank after blank after blank. I know that I am very inconsistent with chapter updates and I'm sorry, but I hope that I will be able to get the next chapter of 'The 5 confessions' out before or after christmas.

I can only hope I get back in the grove of writing so I can update my stories more often than I do now.


RIP · 11:15pm Nov 12th, 2018

The legend that is Stan Lee has changed so many lives with his comics (my self included), it tears me apart to know that he is not around any more, but his legend will forever live on.

Rest In Peace Stan Lee. May you find happiness up there


Results · 12:15am Oct 27th, 2018

The poll is closed and the results are in. I will be writing new chapters to 'Crystal love' because that one got the most votes. Now, I just want to say that I didn't plan on making new chapters because this was supposed to be a one-shot story. But after getting PMed a few times and being asked in the comments if I will be making a sequel or new chapters. I decided to hold a poll and see which one of the two people wanted.

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Update · 8:41pm Sep 19th, 2018

The story 'The five confessions' is not dead, I just posted the next chapter not to long ago. I just haven't been able to get around to updating it with all that's been happening in my life. But I do not leave stories unfinished, so no matter how long it takes I will finish this story.


It's done · 4:44am Sep 19th, 2018

The next chapter to 'The five confessions' is finally complete and will be posted shortly. I thank everyone for waiting such long time for this update. I really am sorry that you had to wait such a long time for this chapter. I hope you like it.


It's out · 3:56am Sep 17th, 2018

The first chapter of the sequal to 'A new form' is done, yay. Now to continue on the next chapter to 'The five confessions'.


Gen 5 · 2:02am Sep 15th, 2018

So I saw the potential gen 5 leaks and in my personal opinion don't like it. The main reason is Twilight, she is an earth pony in the picture and I just don't see it working. Twilight being an Alicorn is something that I loved, and to see that taken away in the potential gen 5 leaks, is very off putting to the point that I want to quit the fandom and never return, but I will give it a chance and see if they can make it work, not just for Twilight, but for all the characters. If they can't

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