• Member Since 18th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


A novice writer who one day plans to genetically modify himself to grow wings. Because wings are awesome and I hate gravity. (Avatar belongs to racer437 on Deviantart)


How to date a princess REWRITE IS NOW UP! · 2:32am Dec 8th, 2017

That's right, I rewrote How to Date a Princess. I left the original draft up because I LOVE the original, but then new draft...well, I think the fact that it's twice as long as the original speaks for itself.

Now you may be asking 'Why rewrite your most popular story?' Well, it's a slightly long story.

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TIME!!! The final count is... · 10:51pm Nov 30th, 2017

50,929 words...

Victory...is achieved...

Insert insane victory dance followed by passing out here...

Report Piemaster128 · 231 views · #Victory

Update: Writing like MAD!!! · 12:59am Nov 23rd, 2017

37,000 words.

That is how many words I have put into my new story idea this last 22 days. It isn't even edited yet, so it will probably only get bigger, but still. WOW! I am impressed that I could do this all in such a short time.

And I'm not even done yet. 50,000 is the goal, and by Celestia I am going to get there.

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October Update: Well, there goes that theory · 11:25pm Oct 28th, 2017

Hello people of the internet, how you all doin'?
So, I just watched the season finale, and I must say I liked it a lot. Good lesson, Starswir was a bit different than I expected, but I liked his change by the end, and overall it was quite a nice bit of lore development. However, this DOES mean that my idea about the Tree of Harmony from Freedom Shall Ring is certainly not cannon, but who cares? It's an alternate universe anyway :rainbowwild:

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BRING ON THE POPCORN!!! · 4:18pm Oct 8th, 2017

Because yesterday I saw the MLP Movie with my girlfriend, her sister, her sister's fiancee, and their friend. And I must say, personally, that the movie lived up to the hype (YAY)

I will definitely do my best to avoid any spoilers, but I just need to write something.

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Update Sept 2017 · 2:05am Sep 30th, 2017

HAPPY (day late) BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Incase you want to know why the next chapter isn't done yet, it's because I have been distracted by video games, lack of motivation (not sure why as I like where the story heads next, even if it's sad), and random other excuses. Also, my birthday was yesterday, so I currently have Metroid: Samosa Returns to distract me... OHHH SOMETHING SHINY!!! (Dashes away from computer for ten minutes to chase a laser pointer)

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Monthly update: August 2017 · 12:27am Aug 22nd, 2017

Hello internet, how have you been?
As the title suggest, this is a monthly update. I want to try to post a blog at least once a month so I can keep everyone up to date and in the know of what's happening with my stories.

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Update and my Girlfriend's stories · 12:43am Jul 21st, 2017

Hello party people! Enjoying summer? If not, take Pinkie's advice and GO PARTY!

Just a reminder, I won't be posting any chapters this week and possibly next because I just finished an Act of my story, but rest assured I am working on it.

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My girlfriend is awesome · 1:06am Jul 14th, 2017

For those of you who don't know, my amazing girlfriend is also my main editor. Good thing too as she has been writing far longer than I have. Anyway, she managed to get both chapters 10 and 11 of my story edited and back to me, which means the only thing I have left to do is clean them up and fix what she pointed out, and boom, the conclusion of act one will be headed right at you on monday (or maybe sunday, since I now have work on the weekdays and it requires me to get up and go to bed really

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Two Days, One Chapter · 3:07am Jul 2nd, 2017

This has to be a personal best for me. I have never written so quickly in my life it's ridiculous. I really have no words. Granted it still has to be edited, but still. That was really fast for me. Here's hoping the rest of my chapters go that fast :pinkiehappy: