Good evening READERS! · 5:44am Oct 14th, 2024
(long read, but you will laugh at me. I promise)
One mans mission to entertain the masses with tales of a universe that doesn't exist!
(long read, but you will laugh at me. I promise)
Let me start this off by saying that I have no idea how long this chapter is going to be. Honestly, I have no clue how long any chapter I start to write will be! I'm fun like that! Well, unless we are talking about my story, Shadows of Eden. That one had a strict word count! 6303 words per chapter! But I can say that Chapter 15 is going very well, and if my past word counts are any inclination, I am either halfway, one-third of the way, or one-fourth of the way done!
Is anyone reading this a digital artist who wants to draw a funny picture for chapter art? It does not have to be heavily detailed. I just want to pay someone to draw something funny for The Wildest Dreams.
DM me here. I'm on the site daily. I rather find someone on the site than go to YCH or phone up an old artist for a meme picture.
I am surprised that the words are flowing out as quickly as they are. But I'm returning to the core elements of FoE writing and having fun with it. I have managed 5k words today, which is a great start for the chapter. But I have already gotten into the action and struggle with not 'going over the top' with things, but I felt Caliber deserved some spotlight! I'm also getting into the nitty gritty of the MoM and some things that went on in Site 103. I am also-also trying to edit as I go so that
I have often wondered this about our pink friend, and I pose this question to you all who would see this. What is your stance on pinkie pie (the fallout Equestria pinkie pie), the minister of MoM? Scary, creepy, freaking? What's your take?
Just as it says, I hope you enjoy the new chapters. And just know that new chapters are on the way! I just started chapter 15 and will be working on it a day at a time! Please be patient with me. I will try to get the next one out by the end of August, but I have a family trip planned. I'm shooting for 1500 words a day and then re-reading and editing. It should shock no one, but keeping the story on track and writing out of my comfort zone is difficult, and to top it off, these next few
I have been working (((when I can))) on The Wildest Dreams! I have a few chapters written as I am typing this and am in the process of wrapping things up on them! I'm finally, after long breaks and delays, getting to the part of the story that gives it its namesake! Death! Dreams! Erased Memories coming back! Strange new lands and hopefully... Destiny!
Hey what do you know, a new chapter of The Wildest Dreams is out now~! Go figure that chapter 13 would be my biggest pain in the ass. oh well, its up! enjoy!