• Member Since 8th Oct, 2016
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Dave Bryant

E-mail: dave@catspawdtp.com • Discord/Bluesky: catspawdtp • DeviantArt/Ko-fi: CatspawDTP • Telegram/FurAffinity/FurryMUCK/Tapestries: Tom_Clowder • Mastodon: @tom_clowder@meow.social


Everfree Northwest · 2:05am July 15th

Baron Engel and I have our memberships, hotel reservation, and airline tickets. We’ll be there. Who else?

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Random snippet to prove I’m still alive · 5:47pm Nov 29th, 2023

“I got the time off!” The familiar voice emanating from the landline handset was jubilant.

A broad grin crossed Sunset’s face. “Great! Y’know, I can’t remember the last time both our vacation times lined up.”

“Four years, seven months, and twelve days.” The dry, and dryly humorous, reply came back instantly. “But who’s counting?”

Sunset rolled her eyes but couldn’t help laughing. “Well, when we get home we can start planning where to go. After all, we’ve got two worlds to choose from.”


Tidbits · 9:31pm May 12th, 2023

Yes, I’m still around, though I still have nothing substantive for Fimfiction—and I’m not sure when, if ever, I will again. All I’ve got at the moment is a handful of random morsels from my tiny but active mind.


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Not naming names [writing tips] · 9:44pm Dec 21st, 2022

As I’ve mentioned here and there, one of the (many) rules I generally abide by when writing for Twin Canterlots is: avoid using real-world names wherever possible. It’s harder than it seems—especially when one considers indirect coinages as well as direct references—and I don’t always succeed, but in general I find ways to skirt them most of the time. For the handful of people who might care in the least, here are some of the methods I have found useful in dodging the issue.

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Idea for a pony, cooked up with Baron Engel · 8:17pm Dec 14th, 2022

Sales Spiel, seller of used carts, wagons, and coaches. “Tell ya what I’m gonna do—”

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No idea · 11:43pm Jun 12th, 2022

Three-act Play and Rose Brass took a lot out of me, to the point I’m not sure what if anything is left. That’s not to say I’m leaving or anything like that; I still pop on Fimfiction frequently, I still read stories, I still participate through comments or notes or the occasional journal post. I still want to finish the stories in progress or planned—but it seems I’m wrung dry and have been for months. I don’t know when or even if that will change.

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Choice cuts 0: the original story notes · 7:49pm May 1st, 2022

Before Scampy and I even started on Three-act Play, we sat down for a marathon five-hour initial story conference. I boiled down the Discord transcript to a ten-page Adobe InDesign document—yes, I use that instead of a word processor, sue me—and generated a PDF file. In turn, I pulled the text from that PDF file, pasted it here, and cleaned it up a little. I abbreviated the three primary characters’ names to their respective initial letters: W for Wallflower Blush, S for Sunset Shimmer,

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Finishing up Lectern’s: Fall Semester · 7:00pm Apr 25th, 2022

I really do need to finish the Ogres & Oubliettes game. As usual, the trouble I’m having is finding a narrative line. The only practicable thing to do is to string together a succession of vignettes, similar to the first installment, which means coming up with those vignettes. Spoilers ahoy!

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Pointless ruminations on Sunset’s flat, because I am an architecture nerd · 6:07pm Apr 8th, 2022

While reconstructing Sunset’s idiosyncratic living space, I realized it actually is laid out quite poorly. In no way, however, should that be considered a negative criticism of the art and animation staff! I have seen equally or more awkward arrangements in the real world, especially in older constructions.

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Sunset’s loft flat · 10:57pm Apr 3rd, 2022

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