Hooray for relapse! · 12:29am Jun 20th, 2017
Just when I thought things were looking up, shit happened and I slit my wrist. Woohoo.
Just when I thought things were looking up, shit happened and I slit my wrist. Woohoo.
I've got the most gut wrenching cramps and have been rehearsing for a play nonstop. I have a performance in ten minutes as we speak. Currently, I'm stressing about my online class, WWIII, basically making it out of his year alive and free. It's been almost seven months since I've last driven. I'm extremely lonely and only see my friends once a month. I'm in love with someone I can never see and I don't even know for sure if he loves me back. I made a batch of hooch and started watching an
All I wanted was a prom date. My life is already falling apart so can I at least have that? The first guy I asked said he wasn't going to prom. The second was uncertain and he's flaked out on me at the last dance. The third guy I asked seemed open to going, but then we learned there's a youth group party the same day, so yeah. Fuck my life. Pardon me while I go slit my wrist.
Hey, guys! Today my friends and I hung out and did a bunch of cool shit. We played Cards Against Humanity for the first time over some cheap cookies and pineapple juice. My lil bro joined in on the fun. Then we basically went around town and took cool pics, like this one of yours truly. Hope y'all are having a good day.
But at least my eyebrows look great! Right now, I'm at home sick with the flu. The good news is I can still get a Catholic funeral if I die today. The bad news is that is very unlikely. Yesterday some people texted me and we had a pleasant conversation. I'll probably never see them again but that may not be such a bad thing since I've gotten uglier in recent weeks, both inside and out.
Everyone on that show was too damn attractive. It's called The Time Between Seams and is about this seamstress who lost a fuckton of money and became a spy. It was quite something. Plenty of "oh, shit!" moments. Now my expectations for relationships are even higher! I still needed to have subtitles on, but I was able to understand half of what they were saying.
I haven't driven in the last four months, but I can technically drive again! I can't wait to drive again. I want to treat myself as soon as I get the car back. I wonder if Silver Chord and I are still friends. I've been a dick to him lately but really I just want to see him again.
We're gonna eat pizza and watch Rocky Horror. So excited to see my friends.