• Member Since 29th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 10th, 2016

Luminous Spark

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Found 1 stories in 266ms

Total Words: 2,223
Estimated Reading: 8 minutes


This is the clean version of my way of thimking for the comic 'A Princess's Tears' by Silver Quill on youtube. It was really sad and if you've seen other fanfics you'll see I like to expand on the endings especially sad ones.:fluttercry: Also, if he likes what I wrote and will continue the comic with this it will be very nice of him. Anyway I hope you like this.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3-UD087Du0&list=PLgPiqIutOK8pJUNr8qE631ARXzZ2T6-Lx&index=1 (A Princess's Tears)

Chapters (1)