• Member Since 1st Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 17 minutes ago


Female Writer, Bisexual Writer, Smolder X Mare Crackship Connoisseur. Creator of the Smolderverse, and writer of many other kinds of clop and SFW stories (Commissions temporarily OPEN)


NaNoWriMo + What to Expect in November · 10:50pm Oct 31st, 2023

Hello everybody! While a lot of it is up in the air as to what will come out, and when, I am happy to announce that I'll be attempting NaNoWriMo this year on top of continuing my commission log as normal. While my initial plan was to write the 50K for one story, I've ultimately decided to use the opportunity to work on hiatus stories as well as continuing the next installment of the Smolderverse.

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Commissions Opening Fully in October (Maybe) · 5:51pm Sep 21st, 2023

Hello readers! So when I had released that post to close most commissions, it was followed weeks later about never working for a local business ever again. A few days after that blog, I had made the decision to write my regulars' commissions full-time. With that said, I'm thinking it would only make sense to open up commissions entirely for everyone again and see how high the demand is for them. This will purely depend on how many available slots I have at the beginning of the month, and

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Smolderverse Adventures! · 5:41pm Sep 8th, 2023

It is with deep pride that I say that I've successfully finished Smolder's Cake Catering Order. And to be clear, this isn't the end of Smolder's time with Mrs. Cake just yet. The sequel is them with Pinkie thrown into the mix, and the cover art is already complete. With many other stories to work on in my backlog, it'll be some time before I can start on it and continue Smolder's adventures. But know that I'll keep you all updated on the series! Happy reading!

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Spicy September! · 12:49am Sep 1st, 2023

This is a blog for my +18 stories that I'll be working on for September. Lots of content from commissions, contest entries, and even personal content that will be coming out in the following month and in the approximate order they'll be released in...

-Lots of new chapters for CFCC!
-Finishing the last two chapters for Smolder's Cake Catering Order
-Striptember Contest Entry

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One More Chapter instead of Two · 1:57am Aug 29th, 2023

While I had plenty of ideas for this story, I also had a backup plan to end at the third chapter in case I ran out of my personal time to finish it. I started this entry relatively later in the time period of the contest, and decided to end this story at the next chapter. The fact that I so easily put together a sufficient entry for the contest is something I'm proud of, especially with such a self-indulgent idea!

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Longest Story I have on Fimfiction (Currently) · 5:27pm Aug 6th, 2023

Super proud to say that as of today, Smolder's Cake Catering Order is the longest story I have published on the site. The fifth chapter was completed at a whopping 10.5K words, and I'm looking forward to writing the last two chapters within the month or two months. It'll feel great to have accomplished this and start on new passion projects whether its the sequel right away, or a different story altogether.

The Smolderverse lives on! 🐲

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Lesson Learned · 2:43am Aug 2nd, 2023

To anyone who needs to read this, if you can reasonably afford rent and additional expenses just writing, drawing art, or whatever unique self-employment ventures you might have in mind...do it. Don't sell yourself short by taking on another job that sucks the soul out of you if you are reasonably able to focus on your passion full-time.

Never working for a local business again, and hopefully not a business at all for a long time. Lesson learned.

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The Big Ol' Chapter 5 · 4:56pm Jul 26th, 2023

Yes, it's another blog post about chapter 5 of Smolder's Cake Catering Order, and a good one. This chapter is going to be a real doozy, considerably longer than the other chapters even if I'm not sure how much words it'll be altogether. I will say though, that I'm already 5K in and not even halfway done with the ideas I've planned out for it. Although, there won't be any Smolder and Mrs. Cake interaction where they see each other. They'll both be main characters in

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No Chapter 5 this Friday · 11:57pm Jul 19th, 2023

So no chapter 5 this week after all. It hasn't been the easiest to motivate myself to write pony words the past few days, so maybe giving myself a day or two to write something different might help. Commissions will still move along as normal, thank you all for reading my stories!

Report Omegathyst · 61 views ·

Commissions are CLOSED · 6:38pm Jul 18th, 2023

Commissions are officially closed to any new people/stories. My priority is to work on the current commissions I have plus any commission series I've already committed to writing. These are the only stories that can take open slots on the waitlist for the foreseeable future:
-Gilda F*cks Equestria
-Their Rightful Place Series
-Subby Armor and the Supervillain Seductress

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