• Member Since 1st Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 31 minutes ago


Female Writer, Bisexual Writer, Smolder X Mare Crackship Connoisseur. Creator of the Smolderverse, and writer of many other kinds of clop and SFW stories (Commissions temporarily OPEN)


Poop · 9:56pm May 2nd, 2020

Unfortunately, I didn't get to put in all the entries into Dirty Little Secret's Dirty Little Contest that I wanted to (work and family responsibilities and all). BUT, I managed to finish my last entry before the deadline. 9 entries isn't too bad either, not at all 👍

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Report Omegathyst · 119 views ·

69 Followers! (Survey Included) · 9:04pm Jan 27th, 2020

What a treat! I would love responses for what sequel I should write next here:

Suggestions for a fic that isn't a sequel can be shared with me in the comments below or through a PM!

Report Omegathyst · 63 views ·

MLP Finale and Kinktober Update · 11:27pm Oct 13th, 2019

Greetings fellow pony readers, as you may not know, I haven't watched the finale yet. I still have many hooman responsibilities to attend to before I am fully caught up on the MLPFIM series. Once I am caught up, new and updated stories will be posted on here. Whenever that may be :eeyup:

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Report Omegathyst · 143 views ·

Pre-Readers for Shooting Star Chapters! · 3:25am Jul 14th, 2019

Hello! I've written a bit more for Shooting Star, but I need help with making sure the chapters are good, grammatically correct, and void of any plot holes! Here are the requirements and preferences of anyone who wishes to have early access/provide feedback for upcoming chapters of Shooting Star:

Gmail (Required)
Constructive feedback/suggestions (Required)
Read the rest of the story beforehand (Required)
Extensive knowledge of the MLP show (Preferred)

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Report Omegathyst · 159 views ·

Shooting Star Feedback · 6:16am Jun 3rd, 2019

Wow! I never expected a first chapter to get so much great feedback right away! Thanks to everyone that read and reviewed, it made for a great birthday :pinkiehappy:

Report Omegathyst · 170 views ·