• Member Since 5th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


Leave your headcanons at the door.


State of the Author - January 2020 · 12:52am Feb 5th, 2020

This month, I finally broke loose again and was able to publish two updates, one for Legacy of the Greatest and one for Phantasmare.

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Report Emperor · 476 views ·

State of the Author - September 2019 · 12:13am Oct 19th, 2019

So you may notice this blog comes over halfway through the month, for a retrospect of last month.

There is a reason for that. Call it about 160 working hours in the month so far, and then a professional exam that I had to study for and write in between that.

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State of the Reader - August 2019 · 4:44pm Sep 2nd, 2019

As far as I can tell, I read 1.12 million words in August on FIMfiction. Of that, about 10k were story updates. 546k were stories on my Read for Later or which popped up in the New box that were Incomplete/On Hiatus, and are now on tracking. The rest were either complete and so I was able to put them in one of my bookshelves, or I flagged off partways through the story and simply didn't care to read anymore. Oddly enough, there was only one particularly large story in that list

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Report Emperor · 348 views ·

State of the Author - August 2019 · 1:32am Sep 2nd, 2019

Today will be the first of three blogs. I think I'm going to try a 'State of the Author' and 'State of the Reader' blog each month from now on until my whimsy flags off. State of the Author should be fairly obvious. State of the Reader will be more about the FIMfics I've read, and attempting to compile a word count read. The third one this month will be a one-off combined on my BronyCon experience, all the cons I've been to, and somewhere between a brief and an exhaustive personal retrospective

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BronyCon Sunday - Looking for a Muse · 4:40am Aug 4th, 2019

So tomorrow is the last day of BronyCon. With that a lot of people leave early. I don't leave until Monday at 1030am on a flight however. I'll probably either go to a party or dinner after closing ceremonies if plans don't fall through but there is still a lot of hours after that before I would need to sleep.

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Report Emperor · 298 views · #BronyCon

BronyCon - Quills and Sofas · 4:20pm Aug 1st, 2019

So it looks like this year Quills and Sofas is in the Pastel Pastures Room. But only when there isn't a panel going on. FYI

Report Emperor · 203 views ·

BronyCon · 10:49pm Jul 31st, 2019

I'm here this weekend in Baltimore. If you see me don't feel shy. I won't bite. I may be hard of hearing though so don't take offense if I ask you to speak up. I'll have my nametag on ('Emperor'). Feel free to bug me to update my fics too. I'll probably be at Quills and Sofas in my downtime

Report Emperor · 157 views ·

Anyone want to room together at BronyCon? · 1:25am Jul 8th, 2018

I'm intending to go this year. I'm decently well-off, so I don't have an issue with splitting the greater share of a hotel room cost.

If you're interested, drop me a PM, here or on the Discord chat...


Report Emperor · 256 views · #Bronycon

New Double Diamond and Starlight Glimmer fic idea · 5:49am Nov 19th, 2017

I think I said some time ago I might do another fanfiction about Double Diamond and Starlight Glimmer, if I could think of a suitable idea.

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Report Emperor · 299 views ·

Anybody going to Equestria LA? · 4:09pm Oct 21st, 2017

In LA November 17th-19th.

I'm intending to go but haven't booked yet. I was curious if anybody would be willing to split the cost of a hotel room by chance.