• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 21st, 2019


Comments ( 8 )
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Thank you so much for favoriting Luna Plays!:rainbowwild:
That really means a lot!
Be sure to check out my other stories for more awesome reads!


Hello Zach, I have commented upon your work, but I feel this page requires more comments, and is more likely for what I'm trying to say...

My friend (please note I'm not trying to insinuate that down votes 'get' to you) all the down votes you have gotten are mostly due to the fact that your story is a FoE spin off, that it has gore, and that it has sex. cdn.derpiboo.ru/media/BAhbB1sHOgZmSSJ~MjAxMi8wOS8yMy8yMV81M18zM183MDZfMTA1MDQzX19VTk9QVF9fc2FmZV9hbmltYXRlZF9mYWxsb3V0X2VxdWVzdHJpYV9waXhlbF9hcnRfcHJvamVjdF9ob3Jpem9uc19ibGFja2phY2tfYXJ0aXN0X2RyYWtjZWwGOgZFVFsIOgZwOg9yZXNpemVfZ2lmSSIMMjUweDI1MAY7BlQ/105043__safe_animated_fallout-equestria_pixel-art_project-horizons_blackjack_artist-drakcel.gif

All these votes mean shit all, I found your fiction to be well thought out, and to have a decent plot.


Description is needed to be more prominent and
be more explanatory.

My Fic seemed almost doomed to fail, but then
the FoE community lent a hoof and now I have
a bunch of fans, and am looking forward to publishing my first chapter! cdn.derpiboo.ru/media/BAhbB1sHOgZmSSIBfjIwMTIvMDkvMjMvMjFfNTRfMTBfMjE2XzEwNTA0Nl9fVU5PUFRfX3NhZmVfYW5pbWF0ZWRfZmFsbG91dF9lcXVlc3RyaWFfcGl4ZWxfYXJ0X3Byb2plY3RfaG9yaXpvbnNfbW9ybmluZ19nbG9yeV9hcnRpc3RfZHJha2NlbAY6BkVUWwg6BnA6D3Jlc2l6ZV9naWZJIgwyNTB4MjUwBjsGVA/105046__safe_animated_fallout-equestria_pixel-art_project-horizons_morning-glory_artist-drakcel.gif

Don't give up, Don't give in. They always look on the outside, Not whats within.


18720 No. My OC Keystrokes is not Steven Magnet. He is missing the 'stache.

Steve: Slick back hair
Purple body
Brown mane
Fabulous mustache

Zachsparrow: Slick back hair
Purple body
Brown mane
Fabulous mustache?

18379 Care to elaborate?

  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8
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