• Member Since 25th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 27th, 2022


Hey, I'm Soda! Or at least that's my OC's name, Anyway, im an american teen who has a serious addiction to Coke...the soft drink that is. i am also a huge fan of Hat Films, Praise the Hand of Truth!!!

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Total Words: 6,833
Estimated Reading: 27 minutes


8th grade has just rolled in for Button Mash and already it has been like every school year, almost everyone thinks he is a huge nerdy weirdo and he still doesn't have a cutie mark, not like he cares or anything. Luckily for him he does have friends in the Cutie Mark Crusaders, whom he trusts enough to tell them anything...well, almost anything. He has a secret that he has kept successfully hidden from the outside world for years. For better or for worse he is forced to make his secret come to light when his best friend Sweetie Belle convinces him to sign up for a Ponyville talent show.

Chapters (3)