• Member Since 25th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 27th, 2022


Hey, I'm Soda! Or at least that's my OC's name, Anyway, im an american teen who has a serious addiction to Coke...the soft drink that is. i am also a huge fan of Hat Films, Praise the Hand of Truth!!!


Technical difficulties! · 6:06pm Dec 30th, 2015

Alright, I was planning on writing the next chapter of my story over break but...my God damn PC broke. Which means I won't be able to work from it for awhile, I don't know if that means a few days or a few weeks. I can still write on my phone but that will take quite awhile to finish. So don't expect another chapter for atleast a couple of weeks. Sorry.

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Im a slacker! · 8:04pm Oct 11th, 2015

Wow...A whole month and I've not released a new chapter of my fic yet!:facehoof: what's worse is how much progress I've made on it, which is next to none:raritydespair: 3 chapters into my first story and I've already been stricken with writers block:pinkiesick: Don't worry, I'm gonna try to kick myself hard enough into writing more.:twilightsheepish: In another note. Holy wowzers was yesterday's episode something!:raritystarry: Diamond got redeemed and the CMC got their marks! Plus Button Mash

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I'm Back · 11:49pm Aug 30th, 2015

I'm back from my vacation!:yay: Meaning I can get back to writing my stories without needing my phone. But this may take awhile cause my PC just got rebuilt so I need to re-download some stuff.

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Hooray! · 3:10pm Aug 21st, 2015

Good news! Just found out I can use Google Docs on my phone! Meaning I can write my story while on my trip if I have time. :yay: yaaaay.

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On vacation · 1:37pm Aug 21st, 2015

Alright... I've just left for my trip. Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish the second chapter of my story.:ajsleepy: but don't worry I have made good progress on It. So expect me to have the second chapter out by either the 31st of August or the 1st of September. :pinkiehappy: anyway, hope y'all enjoy the last couple weeks before school starts!:rainbowwild:

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