• Member Since 26th Mar, 2012
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Death God


Head Meet Wall and also sort of a contest. · 3:54pm Jun 4th, 2012


Okay I'm good.

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Weekly Progression and Other Stuff · 5:44pm Jun 1st, 2012

Yo! First of all I would like to thank everyone who has tossed me on their watch list, favored one of my stories, and/or thumbs uped one of my stories. That being said I again shamelessly ask if you enjoyed one of my stories to throw it a thumbs up along with the favorite, thank you.

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A Small Favor · 5:15pm May 29th, 2012

If you favorited and enjoyed Spike and his Six Lovely Ladies, I ask that you give it a thumbs up. I know its a tad bit shameless to go about it this way, but with the way submissions ended up working out yesterday, because of how backed up they were, they burned through the front page pretty quickly. I'm hoping some thumbs up will move it up on the top stories list so it can get a little more love in the lime light. Again shameless but I worked hard on it, my proofreader worked hard on it, and

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New week same battle plan · 3:01pm May 28th, 2012

IT'S MONDAY! I hate Mondays...

So lets see how I did last week on my goals.

Eternal Chapter 4 published. Yay progression, surely the rest of the week went this well to!

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Update! but sent to the right people this time... · 12:46am May 25th, 2012

Hey guys so I felt you deserved a little update, since I'm sure you noticed their was nothing new for you to read Tuesday or yesterday or today...

So here's whats up, I finished Spike and his Six Lovely Ladies Tuesday night and sent it to two editors. I relieved one earlier cause I don't wanna fry his brain. I'm hoping he'll look over the next chapter of Eternal instead which I'm writing now Friday is still possible/likely for the release.

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Getting back to it. · 3:31am May 21st, 2012

Well the weeks over (minus the hangover I'm gonna have in the morning from spending the weekend drinking and LAN partying). The world is saved, my demon hunter's a bad ass, and I'm gonna focus on writing again in my spare time.

So here is a list of what to expect from me this week.

Spike and his Six Lovely Ladies (clop romantic harem) first chapter will be released by Tuesday night assuming one of my two editors has a chance to get it back to me after I finish it tomorrow nightish.

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I'm an idiot/ass! · 9:59pm May 15th, 2012

Yea so i told you guys I'd try to get Chapter 4 of Eternal up by this weekend... I lied its defiantly gonna be later next week.

Why you ask cause I was tired when I wrote the last post and forgot about something important. What you ask DIABLO FUCKING 3 comes out tomorrow. As such my schedule for the week goes like this

Tuesday: Diablo 3 all day Raiding on WoW for the night.

Wednesday: Work Diablo 3 and sleep for the first time in 48 hours

Thursday: Work Diablo 3 and Raid on WoW

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Eternal Chapter 3 and status on Chapter 4 · 6:49pm May 11th, 2012

Okay so I thought you guys might enjoy/benefit from some commentary that explains a few details about the last chapter numbero 3.

First off: Cloud why didn't anyone alert the doctors when Spike woke up?

Excellent question! It's simple really men are idiots (I include myself in that). You see as long as were conscious and not in pain we assume were fine. And Spike had other things on his mind (and his chest) he considered more important then a bunch of doctors fawning over him.

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Looking for editors. · 5:04pm May 8th, 2012

So as many of you have probably noticed my grammar has been rather lax lately; as such, I was wondering if anyone would like to take a shot at editing for me. I'd be most grateful and will be giving all editors credit for the assistance provided. At the moment I actually have two stories I'm brainstorming/writing:

Eternal, my Sparity fic that I'm sure you've all read. I have a lot planned for this one aiming to earn that adventure tag and score one awesome happy ending.

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