• Member Since 5th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 6th, 2017


After not writing since high school i'm very grateful for mlp and the brony fandom for inspiring me to be creative again. Currently working full time, I write when I can.


Chapter update · 7:19am Feb 16th, 2016

Just an update on the progress of chapter nine. What is it? None :raritycry:

Well that's a lie, I had to start over what I had and tweak what I had planned so basically I'm starting from scratch. I'm working on it but I have jury duty in addition to other responsibility so progress is slow. I can at least share a title (Subject to change)

Chapter nine: The one where Sonata Dusk knows

And no that does not mean what you think it means. talk at ya latter.

Report ultronquake · 478 views ·

Last 2015 update · 11:50pm Dec 31st, 2015

Well it's the last day of 2015 already, can hardly believe it went by so fast. Being that were on the cusp of the new year I thought I'd take this time to go over what my plans are for the next few months.

1: Regarding my Batman story I would like to get to a point where I could release at least one story ark per month, fingers crossed.

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Batman story update · 6:34am Dec 22nd, 2015

Hey ya'll, hope your all having a good winter so far, weather's been kind of rough where I'm at but not unbearable. I thought I'd update you on the progress of Batman. So I currently have the next chapter halfway done and I'm at a place where I could easily split it in two. Would anyone prefer me to do that so you can get a chapter tomorrow or wait the *Garbled static noises* that it will take to finish it. I ask because after this chapter there will be a big change in the structure of the

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Crusaders of the lost mark update · 12:12am Oct 11th, 2015

So as the title suggests this is a blog about the newly aired episode and the new cannon it introduced into the show. First off my opinions, very good episode! Finally we get some Diamond Tiara character development as well as a bit for Silver Spoon as well. The music was good but like Magical Mystery Cure I felt it could have been told better as a regular episode. That being said Diamond Tiara's voice actress has a beautiful singing voice.

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A pain filled life update · 4:43am Sep 29th, 2015

For those of you who don't know I'm working 6 day weeks at a lumber yard, which is part of why I haven't had as much time to write as I'd like. At about 1 I accidentally dropped a concrete pier block on my middle finger and damaged it pretty badly. Thankfully nothing broke but the skin blistered and it tore the skin below the first joint.

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Chapter four progress · 4:43am Aug 31st, 2015

As the title suggests this is an update on the next chapter. It is at this point 2/3 complete, the remaining parts is action and I'm not fast at writing action. But the chapter has some subjectively good dialogue between returning character detective Bulrush and other police ponies. I'll try to have the chapter finished edited and out to the public within the week.

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Batman sequel story going up tomorrow morning · 4:17am Aug 17th, 2015

Just like the title says expect the sequel to welcome to Ponyville tomorrow. It's going by the title of 'Bruce Wayne, dark knight of Ponyville.'

I'm taking the day off so I can respond to everyone's comments and also finish writing chapter two if I can. Cant wait to hear what you all think:pinkiehappy:

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Story news · 4:01am Aug 10th, 2015

Just thought i'd update my followers on what's going on as far as my writing. Currently I have a one off story completed and in the editing phase. It's a bit of a sad one about Shining Armour and mortality, I'll submit it for approval once my editor is done. What your probably more interested in is Batman. That I have good news, I've already started writing the first chapter and I think it'll be a good one. But I need to get a few things done before it gets released like coming up with a

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Boy did i pick a bad time to post · 7:51pm Jun 15th, 2015

Not that i'm complaining mind you, my Bruce Wayne story has been my first bit of success on this site and I've loved every minute of it. And seeing all the encouraging comments from the readers. But who boy did i pick an awful time to post the new chapter, Episode one hundred aired Saturday and now a huge flood of stories based on that just came out. That and i forgot it was E3, holy crap E3.

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Back from Everfree · 6:57pm Jun 1st, 2015

Just a short update on my trip to Everfree Northwest, It was a blast. I got to attend so many fun writing panels and the iron author competition (you can read my horrible entry here http://ironauthor.xepher.net/story/view/17) If you do nothing else read the first place entry it is GD fantastic.

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