• Member Since 6th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 28th, 2021

Living the Dream

Living the dream, dreaming the nightmare.


What Next? · 9:47am May 15th, 2020

Five months ago I cancelled my story, 'Nuclear Winter,' for various reasons, but the main reasons being:

  1. I anticipated that I wouldn't be able to continue writing it in the future
  2. I was frustrated with my lack of progress
  3. I wasn't confident in the quality of my own writing

Well, a lot has happened since then. I'm still here, so for now the first point has been rendered moot.

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Six Year Anniversary Update: The End of 'Nuclear Winter' · 4:13am Dec 14th, 2019

Wow, I can't believe I haven't written a blog post since February. Nobody even reads these anyway, but I feel like writing one more just in case anyone has any questions.

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The Belated Valentine's Day Update · 12:48am Feb 18th, 2019

In Mid-January, I said I was going to get these two chapters out by the end of the month. Then I got busy with school. This time I won't make the same promise because I doubt I'll keep it.

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The New Year's Update · 1:49am Jan 2nd, 2019

I was going to post this on the 13th. Then I was going to post it on the 26th. Then on New Year's Eve. Well, here we are.

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The Veteran's Day Update · 10:27pm Nov 12th, 2018

So it's Veteran's Day in the United States. I don't really have the time to properly celebrate it, so I'll just upload a short chapter of my fic. In case it isn't clear by now, the military is a recurring symbol throughout this story, and they are potrayed as being the only ones capable of restoring order to the wasteland on a large scale. Silver Bullet always admired the military and aspired to join it, but her family never allowed her and tried steering her towards following in their

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The Columbus Day Update · 6:09am Oct 13th, 2018

I've been delaying this update for quite some time. I initially planned to get it done by July 3rd (around the anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg), but instead I've had to delay it, mainly because of writer's block, motivation, and admitted personal laziness. Although Columbus Day is (was) usually observed on Monday, the actual landing occurred today on the 12th.

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The Nero Update · 3:49am Dec 16th, 2017

Nope, I'm still not dead, just incredibly lazy.

I'm actually surprised at how much I had posted so far. I thought I had only updated up to chapter 3, but apparently I had it all the way up to chapter 6.
I'm on break right now, so I might be able to pump out a few more chapters, but we'll see. Given my record thus far, probably not, but I'll try my best.

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The Easter Update · 5:59am Apr 17th, 2017

It's been way too long since I've last updated. And I should have put the story in hiatus too. But now I'm here, 'He has risen' and all that, and I've got a few more chapters to add.

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NaNoWriMo · 6:35am Nov 1st, 2014

November is National Novel Writing Month, and I'm planning on writing up a storm!

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Hello Everybody! · 2:27am Oct 6th, 2014

I just made this account. I doubt I'll spend much time here, but I have an idea for a story that's been sitting around for almost a year.
Mostly I'll just be asking for writing advice on the forums. Maybe someday I'll actually get around to publishing something.

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