• Member Since 18th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Misty Dolphin

I joined the fandom sometime between seasons 3 and 4. An online friend actually got me started, and i havent looked back since.


Finally started writing again · 2:57am Aug 19th, 2023

Welp, after a long hiatus, I've started writing again. Its just been hard to get motivated lately. I don't know how it'll go, but I'll never get out of this slump if I don't try. We'll see what happens.

Report Misty Dolphin · 86 views ·

So... · 7:26pm Dec 20th, 2021

After giving it some thought, I'm going to start up 'A Changeling of heart' again. I've been so busy worrying about how it'd turn out, I forgot why I started it in the first place. I'm just not going to worry about it anymore, and write the story I wanted to tell from the beginning. I can't say for certain when it'll be updated, but I should have something going again soon.

Report Misty Dolphin · 126 views ·

I also have a youtube channel · 5:46am Mar 29th, 2020

I just wanted to say I do have a channel on YouTube if anyone is interested. I'm mostly a gaming YouTuber, playing a different game for each day of the week. Having a wide range of tastes, the games I play range from as tame as Lego, to as extremely violent as Outlast, so be aware. Here's my current schedule: (Will be updated as it changes)

Sunday: Sonic Colors: Ultimate
Monday: Shin megami tensei 5: Vengeance
Tuesday: Life is Strange Remastered
Wednesday: Hi-fi Rush
Thursday: Yakuza 0

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Report Misty Dolphin · 287 views ·

I'm sorry for the delay · 3:00am Oct 14th, 2019

I know it's been a while since I've updated my stories, but I've been a little busy. Plus, I wanted to wait to see how the series would end before making any definite plans, or specificly how things would end for Chrysalis. While things didn't go a way I had hoped for her, that does not mean I'm out of ideas. I always have a backup plan or 2 up my sleeve. I'll get back to work and hopefully should have something soon. Thank you for your patience.

Report Misty Dolphin · 159 views ·

Saw endgame yesterday (no spoilers) · 4:14pm Apr 30th, 2019

Before I begin, I'll say again, I will not include ANY spoilers. In my honest opinion, those who spoil on purpose are the worst kind of people. As the title suggests, I saw avengers 4 yesterday, and I loved every second of it. 11 years, 22 movies, all paid off perfectly. I don't think they could've ended the Infinity stone saga better if they tried. And it was a nice send off for the original Avengers. Saying anymore than that would break my no spoiler rule, so I'll leave it at that. If you

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So, slight problem... · 2:00pm Apr 26th, 2019

Seems my editor/co-writer might have lost his confidence. He hasn't been on for a week, he's deleted his stories, all comments on his page, and all his blogs. So long story short, it doesn't look good. (trust me, I've been there) I've tried contacting him, and I am still waiting for a reply. But it never hurts to have a backup plan. Til I either hear back from him, or find someone else, my story may need to sit a bit. I'll start looking, but if anyone knows someone who could help me out, let me

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Report Misty Dolphin · 212 views ·

The story behind my name part 4 · 2:54pm Mar 20th, 2019

As promised, here's the next part. This part also has something to do with my latest story, as you'll soon see.

September 2, 2001:

As crazy as it souds, I really wanted to see Misty again. So I took part in the dip program again, hoping to do so. Luck must've really been on my side, cause she was the first dolphin we saw. Part of me doubts she even remembered me, but I like to think she did.

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Report Misty Dolphin · 169 views ·

The story behind my name part 3 · 7:49am Jan 11th, 2019

Ok, onto the next visit.

April 13, 2000:

As stated before, after last time, I kinda developed a fear that they hated me. I know it sounds crazy, but the incident really hit me hard.

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Report Misty Dolphin · 159 views ·

The story behind my name part 2 · 11:08am Dec 15th, 2018

As promised, here is part 2.

July 10, 1999, aka my 17th birthday:

It took a while, but i finally managed to return. I still don't know if i ran into my old friend, but the dolphins at least seemed more accepting of my presence. Things went very well, until...

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Report Misty Dolphin · 186 views ·

The story behind my name part 1 · 3:07am Nov 14th, 2018

Ok, so I think it's about time I went into detail where my name comes from. I really wanted to go into it, but felt posting it as an actual story would be a bit much, so I'll be putting it in my blogs. It IS a bit of a long story, so I'll have to break it up into parts. So here's part 1.

July 12, 1998;

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Report Misty Dolphin · 208 views ·