• Member Since 17th May, 2014
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Hail the Sun, the Moon, and the Void Eternal

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Found 7 stories in 18ms

Total Words: 13,030
Estimated Reading: 52 minutes


While on vacation, a lapse in planning sees Polished Gears not having a place to stay. Until he finds something off the beaten path called a Microstable, which he booked immediately. It was a nice place, very clean, but doesn't offer too much in the way of extra frills. Such as a desk, a fridge, or even any staff. As the whole place seems fully automated. He didn't mind not having these "extras" as it made his stay a whole lot cheaper, and made it so he could experience even more of this wonderful city.

Though he might be less than ecstatic about his morning shower.

For Bicyclette's Thousand Words Contest

Chapters (1)

Switch has been infiltrating and gathering love from Equestria for a long time. Though no amount of experiance can prepare anyling for the techological advances of the ponies.

And one day, he found himself in an unfortunate situation when he found himself in the machinations of a recent technological marvel... a cartwash.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Internal Testing

After the success of his cart wash modifications, and a few months of running himself ragged, Gears was finally ordered to take a vacation. He was too tired and sore to argue, but once home he couldn't find a way to rest or relax.

Luckily a brochure for a new spa caught his attention and it seems like the perfect place to rest his sore hooves. He might not get exactly what he wanted, but he'll certainly get what he needed.

Sequel to Internal Testing, but reading that is not required

Chapters (1)

For Polished Gears, nothing could be better than working the night shift. Great people, no distractions from ponies going about their day, and its easier to think without the sun blaring in through the window.

Though, after falling into his workplaces prototype tunnel wash, he may change his tune

Chapters (1)

It's been weeks since Equinox had been hired by Abluforte, the leaders in both public sanitation and artificial intelligence, and ever since then one of the sweepers had taken a special interest in the pegasus, trying day in and day out to collect "her" prize.

So far he had been lucky in avoiding the rogue machine.

But luck can only get you so far, and now not only does he have to deal with the sweeper but also the machines in the Processing Facility.

Abluforte was created by Rusty

Chapters (1)

For the first time since the Crystal Empire return to the modern day. The Empire plays host to a national event, The Equestria Games.

The whole empire is buzzing with excitement over the event, everything is cleaned and polished in anticipation for the big day. For a chance to show the ponies of Equestria the best the Empire has to offer.

The excitement even reaches the crystal mines, where two miners are determined to show how much the ponies of the Empire can shine

Chapters (1)

Everything that I've ever known is gone and turned to dust.
Even my great feats defending the innocent are nothing but myth and legend.

My friends
My family
The world I once knew
all gone

But I won't wallow in my misery for I made a promise to myself and to those long gone. That I won't squander my new beginning for a life long past . I will not merely survive, but thrive. To take back all those years that were lost. And rise above the ashes to meet the new glorious dawn.

But first I have to get out of this cave

Chapters (1)