• Member Since 18th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Well, this a fan of MLP who has just started to watch the show. And I like what I see!


Goodnews everyone! · 1:07am Jun 5th, 2014

For everyone that is enjoying Back to School for Lulu, be glad to know I am not slowing down on chapters, currently working on chapter eight and I don't expect it to take me long to finish it off!


Report Evilhumour · 230 views ·

Progress bar says 85% done! · 4:29am Jun 2nd, 2014

Chapter four is nearly complete; just one last bit that Foal Errand and I need to add in and then it will be good to go. So please be patient a bit more for us to post it!


Progress bar says 90% done. Just need to have Foal Errands and my proof reader to look it over now! So expect an update or two tonight!


Chapter four is done and post!

Report Evilhumour · 181 views ·

Update time · 5:03am May 29th, 2014

Good news/Bad News/Good News

Chapter five is done and I am proud of it. There is only one thing left to add, but after that I would feel fine posting it up.

The bad news is that chapter four will be taking some time unfortunately and I do not know when it will be coming up.

The other good news is that I am going to post a little sneak peak of chapter five, of the more funnier scenes from that chapter, in my own HUMBLE opinion!

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Time to jump on the teasing bandwagon of future stories take two · 5:03am May 21st, 2014

Welp, I think I can share this as it won't be spoiling anything as it will only be hinting at future things in the tagged story. This story came to be yesterday and I am just dying to share it!

The Worst Night Ever

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Co-writer/editor found! · 5:28am May 18th, 2014

Foals Errand has agreed to help me to continue to write this fanfiction that so many are enjoying, if the favs and like are anything to judge.

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Report Evilhumour · 184 views ·

I did it again! · 2:37am May 18th, 2014

I wrote a fantastic part for my story that I am damn proud of, but is SO far ahead that I cannot really show it off to anyone without spoiling some of the ending!

Why do I torment myself tike this?! Is it because I am a wonderful author?


I think I know why now...

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The first chapter is done for the sequel for a simple test from the bureaucracy of Equestria, but... · 9:18pm May 16th, 2014

And here comes the question, is that should I post it now or wait until I get more of the idea thought out and planned, along with someone that could help me?

Report Evilhumour · 171 views ·

To share my story or not. · 4:26am May 9th, 2014

I have written a what if story for a future story. I feel that if I put it out, people would understand what I can do and like what my work is gearing up to. However, that said, it would be a massive spoiler for said storyline and I obviously cannot post it outright. That said, for my watchers, would any of you care to read it? A bit of a warning, it is depressing as hell.

Report Evilhumour · 222 views ·

That feeling... · 9:52pm May 1st, 2014

When you write the starts of a story that would be SO interesting but you cannot post it or really start it as it is based on a what if for a future story of yours.


Report Evilhumour · 150 views ·

Watching the first episode and first thoughts · 4:36am Apr 27th, 2014

Why the hell was it so hard to find, I can see why some don't like it, I do like it, I want to huggle Fluttershy to death as she is so ADORABLE, I can totally see myself in Pinkie Pie and I can see myself binge watching the series now!

Report Evilhumour · 149 views ·