• Member Since 17th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Steel Quill

A pony with too much time on his hooves and too much plot to work with, in more ways than one. Porn Pope (TM). Also on FA!


I'm still alive · 8:07pm May 9th

Hey folks! Just a quick post to update on things so you know I'm still kicking.

I have been doing writing work outside of Fimfiction, but I still have ideas to write for here. I have in fact at least 6 new outlines for stories I want to do. So, I'm hoping to try and deliver those.

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Report Steel Quill · 381 views ·

September commissions closed! · 12:45pm Sep 13th, 2023

What it says on the tin! The window for applications is now closed; I’ll be going over the entries and making selections soon. So keep your eyes peeled for a DM!

- Steel Quill

Report Steel Quill · 143 views ·

Reminder - September Commissions · 1:08pm Sep 9th, 2023

Just a quick reminder in case you missed it: September commissions are still open! I will be closing the window on Tuesday the 12th! If you still have an idea to submit, there's still time!


Click the link to get to the form!

-Steel Quill

Report Steel Quill · 142 views ·

September Commission Window - Open! · 7:14pm Sep 4th, 2023

Second verse, same as the first! Commission applications are open for September 2023!


Same rates as before! $12 for 1K words to a maximum of 10K, or $10 for 1K up to a max of 7K for the horny option! If you have questions, feel free to post them here or DM me!

-Steel Quill

Report Steel Quill · 141 views ·

August Commission Window: Closed! · 1:49pm Aug 4th, 2023

Alrighty folks! The applications are now closed for this month and I will be choosing what I can take on. Those who I selected will be contacted shortly to discuss terms in-depth. There were so many applications this time, I actually increased the number to three!

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Report Steel Quill · 222 views ·

August 2023 Commissions - Open · 2:39pm Jul 31st, 2023

Just like the title card says, folks. I'm gonna try to start off this new month with some commission work, and I want to open the doors for you all again.

The form to apply for a commission can be found here at this link: https://forms.gle/TM5qXsiFibpNCAfc8
Please fill it out as accurately and fully as you can. The better I can understand what you're wanting, the better I can try to serve you. There will be two open slots to start off with!

Money/Cost options

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Let's try to Catch Up · 11:19pm Jul 17th, 2023

Hey there! It's been...well, certainly longer than a minute. Many many minutes.

I've tried to think of several ways to write this all out, but to be honest, being short and simple is better here. I've been gone for six, almost seven months on hiatus. Some were no doubt not sure why I've been gone so long. There's been a lot that's happened for me.

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Report Steel Quill · 457 views ·

A breather · 12:29am Feb 3rd, 2023

Hey guys. This is kinda a status update but also just a general state of affairs for me right now.

I'm kinda exhausted.

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Report Steel Quill · 620 views ·

December Commission: Closed! · 4:06pm Dec 9th, 2022

Thank you to everyone who submitted a response to my commission form! I will be selecting and messaging someone today with my choice for December. Hope you all have a merry Christmas and happy holidays, and don't worry; you'll see me around here soon enough!

- Steel Quill

Report Steel Quill · 152 views ·

December Commission! · 7:29pm Dec 6th, 2022

As I promised: I am opening the doors to select one - just one! - commission for this December. The lucky individual will be my only commission for this month, as with the holidays on the horizon, I could not guarantee completing more than one before the month let's out. So with that said:

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