• Member Since 6th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 1st, 2018

The Equestrian Gentlecolt


Merry Christmas · 1:41am Dec 25th, 2014

That's all. No particular news or announcements, no new stories, just felt like it was something that should be said. I hope everyone is making the most of their holiday season, whatever it may mean to them.

So, Merry Christmas.


Going pretty well, actually · 12:22am Mar 12th, 2014

I haven't updated since I started my draft, have I? Well, I've been dedicating my writing time almost exclusively to Perfect for Me Too, and things are looking good. I'm about 80% done with the first draft (not 80% of the way to the end, though - the missing bits are mostly supporting and transitional scenes scattered throughout), and it's shaping up to be in the area of 50k words. I'm happy with that; it feels like about the right length for the story it tells. Most of the puzzles are solved,

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The Chapter Nobody Asked For! · 7:13pm Jan 1st, 2014

At least, I'm pretty sure nobody did. Ever wonder what the rest of The Prim Rose of Palamino Vale was like? Well, even if you did, you won't want to know after you've read this excerpt. Not safe for work. It's as explicit as it sounded, and you really don't want to have to explain this one to your coworkers if you start laughing.

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Coming Unstuck · 9:05pm Dec 24th, 2013

It sucks to be stuck like I was. Nobody should have to go through wanting--not just knowing it’s something you should get around to, but really actually wanting--to do something for over a year, and yet somehow just... not. But I know, being a reader myself, that it’s an alarmingly common condition. I’m still in constant danger of slipping back into it myself, but finishing Perfect For Me was a huge victory, and a big weight off my shoulders.

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Finally, with apologies · 4:29am Dec 24th, 2013

The last chapters of Perfect For Me are up. I told you I'd finish it. Worth waiting a year for? I wouldn't go that far. But at least worth reading.

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Don't throw away your ideas! And have a short story. · 8:33pm Mar 2nd, 2013

I was reminded recently of a very useful tip for writing, or for any creative endeavor. Even if you know an idea won't pan out as a top-notch story, even if it's just one thought or a single scene, there can still be a lot to gain from writing out a quick draft with it. At the very least, you'll probably end up with some interesting bits you can use elsewhere! Take this for example:

My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. I was born three months and six days ago.

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A Perfectly Ordinary Day Indeed · 6:12am Feb 18th, 2013

The first thing that greeted the purple mare, however, was not on any of her checklists. (At least, none of the ones she had brought with her.) Not a hundred feet from the door of her library lay a forlorn-looking heap of cerulean blue. A six-colored mane was matted damply against its coat with what might have been blood, and a wing jutted unnaturally from the pile like a tattered flag.

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Dear Moon · 5:12pm Dec 7th, 2012

A sequel, of sorts, to Dear Princess Luna.

"You can't be serious, Luna." Celestia eyed her sister skeptically. "You want to go galloping off back to the moon because of... a dream?"

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TMP - Dear Princess Luna · 5:49pm Dec 5th, 2012

So I went and checked out Thirty Minute Pony Stories. What a fun idea! The last prompt ended hours ago, but I decided to try it anyway. 500 words in 30 minutes is actually pretty good for me. I usually obsess over rewriting and revising, and end up going much slower.

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Report The Equestrian Gentlecolt · 1,231 views ·

Today, I will kill Twilight Sparkle · 6:32pm Nov 30th, 2012

I've made the last of my revisions, photochopped together a title image, and hit the submit button. All in all, I'm incredibly proud of this story. There are as many reasons to hate it as to love it, but I personally feel that it's my best work so far. Not my most appealing to general audiences, and far from the playful tone that's drawn most of my followers so far, but absolutely my best.

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