• Member Since 30th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A lot has happened, and I mean A LOT. But... I'm slowly coming back. May need help with that.


Sunlight Café Surprising Success · 2:20am Apr 22nd, 2016

Wow. I totally did not see that coming. In less than one week, The Sunlight Café has had over 1000 views and 100+ likes. That exceeds every single expectation I had for it. While writing it, I would've estimated 600 views and 40+ likes at this time. I never expected it to be my biggest hit yet. Thank you all so much. You're all the best!

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Report RS-Belle14 · 112 views ·

Weekend Review: Sunlight Café is a hit! + New Stories and Gauntlet of Fire · 4:49pm Apr 18th, 2016

Well that's a surprise. I honestly didn't expect The Sunlight Café to do as well as it did. I thought it would've been my second highest rated story at most but nope. It's broken every single one of my previous records from my other stories. Thank you all for the support. It means a lot to me. You're all awesome!

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Report RS-Belle14 · 266 views ·

My Decision on the Sweetie Belle's Sweet Birthday Sequel · 12:44am Apr 12th, 2016

After thinking for a while, I came up with more ideas of what I want to do with Spike and Sweetie Belle in the Birthday universe. So, rather than make a single sequel for Sweetie Belle's Sweet Birthday, I'm going to do multiple sequels. They'll mostly be about the relationship of Sweetie Belle and Spike and how's it's been growing over time, but I also have a couple ideas for some other characters that were in Birthday. For right now, I plan for most of them to be one-shot

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Report RS-Belle14 · 402 views ·

Finally Got My Favorite Friend's Forever Comic · 2:09am Apr 6th, 2016

Allow me to start this off with a short story.

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Report RS-Belle14 · 66 views ·

Minor Issue While Thinking of a Sequel · 11:14pm Mar 29th, 2016

So I was planning to do a sequel to Sweetie Belle's Sweet Birthday, but then I read Fimfiction's policy on copyrighted song lyrics which play a role in my story idea. I still plan on doing it later (one way or another), but it does kind of bum me out knowing I might actually have to write my own lyrics again. I do I feel I can do it but still. I'll try my best to try convey the spirit of the songs. However, that story will have to wait for a while. I've got a few stories I'm working on

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Report RS-Belle14 · 233 views ·

My Vinyl Figures Purchase Incident · 12:50am Mar 22nd, 2016

I've decided to post a weekly blog in between stories because I want to be more involved with FimFiction. They'll be about whatever is on my mind, something that's happened to me recently, etc.

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Report RS-Belle14 · 200 views ·

First Story Success! · 6:25am Jan 15th, 2016

Sweetie Belle's Secret Hearth's Warming has reached 1000 views! Seeing this brings me so much joy. A month ago, I wouldn't have bet it would have been as successful as it is. In fact, I was so nervous on how its reception would be, I almost didn't post the story until a good friend of mine urged me to go threw with it. I thank everyone who read my story, and I especially thank those who gave it a Thumps Up and Favorited it.

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Report RS-Belle14 · 204 views ·