• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


AKA: ScarletDuke; I'm an old story writer, trying to get back on the pony. As of 2024, I really just want to finish something.


Life is short, write ponies · 1:16am February 16th

Sigh... I feel like a complete failure.

It was about four and a half years ago I said I was going to get back into writing, the next chapters of With Rainbow Hair and My Little Destiny were on the way, and I was going to finally finish Sibling Rivalry and get started on its sequel, Tales of Faust, which focuses mainly on Scootaloo and her new vocation.

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Return to the Fiction · 9:23pm Aug 28th, 2019

I haven't written anything related to fanfiction, or any type of prose, in over five years. That's actually why I've been avoiding this site for so very long. Partially out of having nothing to actually post, but also embarrassment. At first, it was just college, but then it became something else. I love writing, and cannot believe I ever stopped. And... well rather than go into great detail, I feel it's easier to just link to a twitter thread where I've already explained this:

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Regarding Sibling Rivalry · 11:04pm Aug 25th, 2013

I recently wrote a review of the Avengers, which will be posted by noontime Monday on my website. And I opened it thusly:

Sometimes, you have to know what you’re doing. Where you’re going. What your purpose is.

I never quite understood this until recently.

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Return to Sibling Rivalry · 4:47pm Jun 28th, 2013

It feels like so long ago that I last wrote anything fictitious.

I actually enjoy writing. It's a great way to share your thoughts with the world. But lately most of my thoughts haven't been on the continuing adventures of fictitious ponies in the land of Equestria. Recently, I spent my time writing about Tron; Star Trek; and Littlest Pet Shop, my new favourite cartoon.

This is all on my blog, No Prestige. But you probably already knew that.

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Another cry for help! · 8:29pm Apr 13th, 2013

Once again, I must put out a call for editors. Particularly this week, I’m gonna need some real a-holes to look for any and all errors in my work.

The reason I’m putting out this call once again, is that so far, I’ve failed to find any usable assistance. A problem which I detailed here.

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A Waking Dragon · 5:49pm Mar 14th, 2013

I want to apologize. It's been a while since I wrote a chapter of A Waking Dragon. Six months to be precise. That's pretty fucking pathetic, even for me.

I wanted to get back to this story right before my hand got knackered. But obviously that was delayed. Not just by my hand, but I've been devoting a lot more time into my main blog over my fanfiction. So... there's that.

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Princess Twilight · 12:17am Feb 4th, 2013

Everyone's got their knickers in a twist over the latest news regarding my favourite not-cancelled TV show, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.

The news that Twilight Sparkle is going to grow wings and become a Princess during the season finale.

What's odd is that my particular perspective on this seems to be unique in the pony-fan community. I was not expecting that.


Any thoughts?

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That's a Lot of Time · 10:53pm Dec 26th, 2012

As everyone is already well aware, a little over two weeks ago, I had a very serious hand injury caused by some broken glass. I got eight stitches and a severed nerve that needed to be reattached. A tall order to say the least.

My surgery was booked for Friday, which is where we shall begin this latest tale.

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That's a Lot of Blood · 10:49pm Dec 11th, 2012

Allow me to tell you about my weekend.

Saturday Night in particular was a very special night for me. It all started as I was cleaning a few dishes. Simple task, just go to the kitchen sink, take a soapy sponge, scrub every square inch, go to my room, and let it dry on a paper towel. See? Simple!

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Looking for an editor · 5:53pm Nov 9th, 2012

Any fans of both My Little Pony and Stargate Universe out there?

I ask because as many may or may not know, I’m currently writing a crossover between these two franchises called My Little Destiny. Yes, I am fully aware of how shit that name is. I’ve always sucked at coming up with names and I wrote it a year ago.

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