• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 7th, 2021

Paradox Theory

You cannot just expect happiness, you have to create it. ~A great many people.


I hate Myself · 9:38pm Mar 31st, 2014

Okay, so imagine a small black wallet, over 200$ in it, an ID and several other cards.
Now imagine said wallet on top of a moving car, and then falling off of said moving car.
Now imagine Owner of said wallet walking up and down the street LOOKING for it.

Yeah, that's been my day, and I hate myself.

Can I die now?

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Updates · 1:59pm Mar 29th, 2014

Welp, I guess I'd better get back to Jason's Grand Tour of Equestria. Or maybe a new Book....

Expect the next chapter next week sometime.

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Explinations · 5:05am Mar 27th, 2014

First, I believe that many of you are confused about what I mean when I say ticks.
"Ticks" are a physical reaction when someone gets excited.
Not THAT kind you perverts. What I mean is when I think of things like adventure or time travel I get excited, and then I get the ticks. For me, when I get them, my hands move to my face and then my fingers wiggle like spider legs. Yes, its uncontrollable. And embarrassing.

Welp, that's it actually.

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502! · 4:29am Mar 19th, 2014

Can anypony tell me what 502 means? I'm getting them more frequently!!!!!!

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Jason's grand tour of equestria · 3:12pm Mar 18th, 2014

well...........I'm in shock. my story has been approved!
it also seems that I have lied again, first i asked you to expect the first chapter in April, then i changed it to the end of the week. now its today that I have it out!

My hope is that this story, after I finished it, will be the first in a series I am wanting to make.

And to celebrate this occasion I am gonna change my avatar eventually!


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I lied · 4:22am Mar 18th, 2014

It seems the first chapter will be coming out at either the end of this week or the beginning of next week.

All because I'm using the one thing I swore I'd never use. Google Chrome.

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Updates · 12:22am Mar 18th, 2014

Well I have a laptop, but I'm updating it right now. Expect my first story sometime in april-may. P.S. I'm on a kindle right now.

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About TheParadoxPony · 3:23pm Mar 13th, 2014

I was born November 25 1994.

I graduated school in 2012, with a GED.

On April 2013 I found out about Mlp. And became a brony in July 2013 after watching a youtube series called Pony.Mov.
In November 2013 I joined fimfiction.

At the age of 3-4 I was diagnosed with: Aspurgers syndrome (autism), ADHD, And ticks. NOT THE BUGS!!!
I currentiy work as a pump technician.

And that's me. Soon I will begin writing stories of my own, but until then I just read stories.

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Doctor Who and stuff · 3:17am Mar 6th, 2014

Well, until I get a laptop I won't be able to write anything, so until then I'm watching Doctor Who.

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