• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 7th, 2021

Paradox Theory

You cannot just expect happiness, you have to create it. ~A great many people.


The Paradox Pony on Autism · 8:39pm Apr 12th, 2014

Hello! I'm here to talk about autism. and hopefully to extend a bit of understanding to others.
Autism, to my experience, is nothing more than a social disorder. It is usually followed by ADD or ADHD in a child who has it.
I now tell you my story, my life, with autism....

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Updates part Seis · 2:40pm Apr 12th, 2014

Hello again! It has been a heck o a long week since the last blog post, so, a few Updates! Yay!

1. I have been procrastinating on the current chapter: Preparations. And will be working on it on an off today and tomorrow. It has been put into six parts, and I am on part five.
2. Spoilers! Doctor Whooves will be back in Part Two: Pinkie Pie. Lyra will be joining the fray in Part Three. Pinkie gives Physics the middle finger. And Twilight has to deal with an angry apple farmer.

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Random Tidbit of the day · 8:17pm Apr 6th, 2014

I would like to start this blog by apologizing for the many blog posts I have done throughout the last week.

And now for the random tidbit: my dream.

Now, usually my dreams are random and short. but last night I had a somewhat intense and long dream:

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Updates part Five · 3:47am Apr 6th, 2014

Welp, I got a free day tomorrow. So I will most likley be finished with Preparations later tomorrow.

I will also be free to discuss the newest MLP episode: Testing, Testing, 1 2 3.

And I think that is about it.



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Busy, busy, busy. · 12:46am Apr 5th, 2014

Well, as the days grow longer and warmer, I will be online less frequently. What this means.....

1. Any projects I'm working on will take much longer to complete.
2. I will most likely be online for an hour (approx. 10:00-11:00 Mountain time) so my responses will be hours after I read any comments.
3. My temper will most likely be shot every night, so expect some angry responses.

I expect this to start sometime near the end of April, so until then I will still be online regularly.

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Updates part Quatuor · 12:49am Apr 4th, 2014

Welp, Visions and Fireballs (Chapter Five of Jasons Grand Tour of Equestria) is out now.
I've also edited chapter three: Intermezzo.
Expect 'Preparations' ( Chapter 6 of JGT of Equestria*) by next week.

* JGT stands for Jason's Grand Tour (of Equestria)

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Updates part Tribus · 4:16am Apr 3rd, 2014

1. As for the blog posts yesterday...... I had no Idea it was April fools day. So those two posts yesterday, yeah they are serious, no joke.
2. I have hit indecision. So, the next few chapters of Jason's Grand tour of Equestria, will take longer.
3. I forgot to mention the kind of stories I won't write. They are:
2. Anything with gore.
And that should be everything, Bye!

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My Policies · 6:59pm Apr 1st, 2014

1. Swearing.
I don't really care about it, however, I won't swear.
I DON'T want to know about anything that is NSFW. Unless it is a good story like Diaries of a Madman.
If you have a question and want an answer, I will gladly help.
4. Support.
If you have any problems, I'm here to listen to them and help however I can.

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Updates part Deux. · 6:44pm Apr 1st, 2014

First things first. I combined chapters two and three. The next Chapter will be coming out by the end of the week, hopefully.

Second. When this story is finished I will be asking for Ideas to make into another story, more info on that later.

Third, I will be posting The Paradox pony's policies for this user page.

Fourth, I sure as heck hope thats all.


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UPDATES!!!!!!! · 3:05am Apr 1st, 2014

Well, someone found my wallet and did the right thing.
I've started on the next chapter of Jason's Grand Tour of Equestria.
Life is good.

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