• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 7th, 2021

Paradox Theory

You cannot just expect happiness, you have to create it. ~A great many people.

More Blog Posts1489

  • 268 weeks
    The Sequel to Turnabout Storm is finally coming!

    So, a little context:

    Some time ago I found a small little YouTube channel that was making their own version of a Turnabout Storm sequel. I was told by many that it would probably die. It almost did.

    After the creator's hard drive crashed, it spent the last couple years in development hell.

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    0 comments · 430 views
  • 274 weeks
    I wish the notifications stayed around later.

    Every once in awhile I'll get notifications here. However, because of the short amount of time they stay in your box, I don't always get to see what some of them are.

    Take a couple days ago for instance. I got on, and saw six notifications. However, I could only veiw the most recent. Which, was a new follower.

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    2 comments · 432 views
  • 296 weeks
    I haven't been here since April.

    And there's only really one reason why.

    Inspiration. Or lack thereof.

    I still have inspiration from time to time. But never for a long enough time for story making.

    At this point I may be cancelling whatever stories I haven't finished by the end of January.

    The only story I may still finish one day is the last case in the Malum story, as I'm only half way through it.

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    1 comments · 478 views
  • 328 weeks
    At the edge of Apocalypse. . .

    She shook as the implications of what was said were finally made clear.

    "But. . .I promised. Remember? Our. . ." Her voice shook as she looked at the calm expression of her friend's face.

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    4 comments · 599 views
  • 329 weeks
    And the urge to write has returned at long last.

    For those of you who don't know. I just uploaded another chapter to Malum Prohibitum: The Changeling Trials.

    To be honest, I had originally started the chapter a year and a month ago, just after posting the last one in March 2017.

    It feels good to finally have made progress.

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About TheParadoxPony · 3:23pm Mar 13th, 2014

I was born November 25 1994.

I graduated school in 2012, with a GED.

On April 2013 I found out about Mlp. And became a brony in July 2013 after watching a youtube series called Pony.Mov.
In November 2013 I joined fimfiction.

At the age of 3-4 I was diagnosed with: Aspurgers syndrome (autism), ADHD, And ticks. NOT THE BUGS!!!
I currentiy work as a pump technician.

And that's me. Soon I will begin writing stories of my own, but until then I just read stories.
Another fun fact: I was able to read at college grade levels since 7th grade.

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