• Member Since 16th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 31st, 2017


I'm a fantasy enthusiast who loves to write, and I'm aiming to be a professional fantasy writer eventually. I love to help out other authors when I can. Feel free to PM me or drop by and say 'hi'.


One Neat Thing That I Did Get to Do Last Summer · 3:33pm Jan 21st, 2017

During August of 2016, my friends and I visited South Korea. When I went there, there were three things in particular that I wanted to do: I wanted to get some good hiking in, I wanted to see some live Starcraft games, and I wanted to do some karaoke. It turns out I got to do all those things and more. If you want to see that Starcraft bit, Here's a video of it, just go 10:55 into the video

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I'm Back, After an Age · 7:43am Jan 21st, 2017

Hey folks,

It sure has been quite a while since I was last on here. I just want to say that I am back to jump back into A Heart of Change and to bring it to its conclusion, and that's the gist of what this blog is about. If you want to hear a rambling story explaining my absence, by all means keep reading.

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EFNW · 12:56pm May 9th, 2015

Heya folks,

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I Happened to Stumble Upon a Beautiful Treasure · 5:24am Mar 21st, 2015

So I just happened to click on the stats button for AHoC because I hadn't done that in quite a while, and suddenly I noticed that I had gotten a few hits from EqD since I had last looked, which I thought was quite strange. So I clicked on the link and ended up on this page which showed the results of an event that had apparently taken place about 5 weeks ago. So, curious, I scroll through these cool pictures

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Chapter 24 is Done and Going Through the Final Stages of Editing. · 5:22pm Mar 19th, 2015

And I aim to publish it sometime tomorrow. Thank you for your considerable patience and continued readership. I'll definitely get the next chapter out in a more timely fashion. I am tentatively aiming to wrap this story up by sometime around August or so.

Now I'm going to go straight into planning and writing the next chapter.


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Three Years · 5:01pm Feb 15th, 2015

Wow. I made this account three years ago to the day. I used a February writing contest as a way to break the ice and finally take a step into the creation of fanfiction. The story in question, Tears of Melted Snow, wasn't all that great. It's a story that if it belonged to someone else, I'd just as likely stop reading halfway through as I would finish it. But I do like the fact that it pushed me into creating this account, and it also reminds me of very humble beginnings. A month later, I had

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Reflection and a New Year (A Longer Blog Post) · 7:20am Dec 27th, 2014

Sometimes I feel as though there's a weight within me. It's a subtle thing, and I know that I am not alone in this feeling. And I know that there are many who feel this weight far more heavily than I ever could. I describe it as a weight because it often stops me before I even start.

So I am writing this now as a way to write past this 'weight' and perhaps kindle a bit of inspiration. Reflection has ways of doing that.

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Voicing Your Fears · 5:09pm Nov 7th, 2014

So, I had just watched a new video by Doctor Wolf, and it struck pretty close to home. While I've never quite had to deal with as much anxiety as what is being discussed in the video, much of it still resonated with me. It struck a chord so to speak. So I felt I had to give expression to that feeling the video left me with.

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What's Great About November · 2:44am Nov 5th, 2014

Well, there's that thing called NaNoWriMo, which I participated in last year, sort of. I met the goal of 50k words over last November between two of my stories, but the exercise pretty much burned me out for the following two months. So this year, following the spirit of NaNoWriMo, I have set myself a goal to write 30k words by the end of the month (1000 words per day). This writing will be split between A Heart of Change and A Special Project I am working on. It should be an interesting month.

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Happy Thanksgiving · 2:10pm Oct 13th, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians. It's nice to see most of my family over the weekend, and it's probably my favourite holiday for that reason--I get to see my family and enjoy a good meal, yet it's not really a long or formal thing.

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